54~ Deal

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Unknowingly the first update I updated was non edited chapter.

I always copy from scroll as I edit there and paste it here before updating so no matter paid or non paid readers, they should read quality update.

I don't discriminate between my readers, but today I updated in hurry and forgot to do that So the unedited draft I had here I updated by mistake but when I realized I took it down.


Yana's POV

"Keep quiet and Part those legs."

I gulped and shook my head while staring at him.

"I am not hurting you Love, Just teaching you to fix the menstrual cup."

"I know.... Ar...Ardhansh...I...am.. am getting periods from the age of Thirteen."

"Damn....weren't you too small for it Jaan."

He said and hearing his words I felt like banging my head, Wasn't it common to begin menstruating at that age?

He walked closer to me and slowly parted my thighs making me hide my face behind my palm.

"You are embarrassing me Ardhansh."

I yelled and heard him chuckling, "Like I didn't do it before."

Realization dawned upon me and my mind got resurfaced with old memories.

The memory of when he used to get worried seeing a tiny scratch on my body.


It was three months after Aai's death, I didn't get my periods and suddenly got them after two whole months.

The cramps were terrible so fucking terrible and excessive blood loss made me numb.

When it became worse I remembered Aarini Aakka was at home so I screamed for help.

"...Akka....please help...me."

She came in five minutes and was shocked to see me rolling on the ground, the blood was all over my dress and floor.

She called a gynaecologist and Ardhansh while I kept crying like a mad woman.

The doctor came in nearly fifteen minutes and started the treatment and just after five minutes he came huffing so badly.

After seeing him there my tears increased and I cried, "Ardhansh it's paining."

"Baby, I am here don't cry...everything will be fine," he came running beside me and pulled me in his embrace consoling me but the cramps in my lower abdomen made my condition worse.

The doctor finished her work and Akka walked out of the room guiding the doctor outside while I kept hugging him, not even realising that I hadn't changed my dress and it was stained in blood.

"It's natural...baby...no need to cry...Arent you strong?" He consoled and I clung to him more tightly.

I slept crying and holding him closer while hearing his continuous soothing words.

I was becoming dependent on him for my every pain, sorrow, and ache while he was healing me like no one else did, the love I had for him was increasing with passing days.

I was worried about where would I go after Aai's death but he took all my worries with his love & Care.

I woke up feeling warmness surrounding my lower region giving a soothing sensation down there and found myself in the bathtub.

Grave (Ashes sequel) #2|18+  (LL Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now