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This is how I (24F) became a single mom of Sextuplets. One day when I was 20, I was shopping at a mall with my brother (22M at the time) who came along because I was using his credit card. We went to a "skin-detoxifying" store and I told the cashier we were buying 100 Juiceboxes. After she gave them to me and I paid, I opened one juice box and poured it all over me. At our home, we were watching a movie where a girl was trying to put a shoe in herself when me and him looked at each other, he said "I love you babygirl" and we made out. While we were making out, I accidentally stepped on a nail so I screamed. Once he put me on the bed, he sucked the blood and drank it. I had an idea, I removed my jeans and panties, then I told him to get the other juiceboxes. I opened all of them and told him to throw them at my hole. He did so, and then we continuously made out. Luckily we didn't get that far, I'm not a whore. The next day, at school I felt weird and nauseous. I ran out of the classroom and my brother came out, grabbed my hand and took me to the girls bathroom. In a stall, he said I might be pregnant. How!? We didn't even do anything!? He pulled out a pregnancy test and after removing my pants and underwear, inserted the pregnancy test inside of me. "Uh-Ow!! I piss on it, you idiot!!" He's so stupid sometimes. I started pissing and my pee got on the test and his hand. After I was done he took the test out, licked the pee in his hands and looked in horror at the test. It was positive. I was shocked but he knew because I smelt pregnant. He sniffs my crotch to smell that pregnancy smell. We took my piss pregnancy test, put my clothes back on and went back to our classes. Later at the mall, we went to complain and it turned out when those 100 juiceboxes were made, only one (the one i poured over myself at the store) didn't have sperm in it and the sperm swam to my vagina when he threw the juice at me. We went home and lived our lives. 9 months later, on the anniversary of our parents death I went into labour. I gave birth to a baby girl, but then there was more. "Twins!?" said my brother. I gave birth to another girl. But there was more. "TRIPLETS!??!?". I gave birth to a boy. But there was more. "You're shitting babies now" said my brother. I gave birth to three more: a boy, a girl, a boy. My brother had an OMG look. I named the oldest Olivia, the next one Ava, the oldest boy Liam, the next one Noah, the youngest girl Sophia, the youngest baby and youngest boy Jackson. At home, I tried to make it work but my brother was terrible. One day, we had a huge argument. "You're a bitch!" He said. "I don't know why I made out with you, leave!" I said. Now it's been 4 years since and I've never been better. My nearest dearies are wonderful. I don't know about my brother though. He could be living a new life, dead, kidnapped, but I know that I was the woman who got pregnant with Sextuplets by 99 Juiceboxes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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