chapter 4 : Fast learners

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Knock, knock. The knocking on the door made Jennie quickly slide the book she was currently reading under the pillow.
"Jennie, I'm coming in."
After hearing her mother's voice, the door soon opened. Jennie rubbed her eyes, yawning as if she had just woken up when she heard the sound. It's already been a long time since the sun rose, so she might say something about it, but her mother looked relieved at Jennie's appearance.
"How was your sleep? It's been a long time since you slept so well."
"Oh, yes...."
It wasn't like that at all, but she couldn't say it now.
"Actually, I wanted to tell you that I will be away for a few days."
"What? Why?"
"I got a call from your sister, and she's begging for my help. Looks like there's been a lot of work in the store for a while. I was thinking about going there only during the day, but since your sister is there, she told me that I can stay comfortably at her place for a few days. Actually, I was going to say no because I am a little worried about you.....""No, it's all right, you can hurry up and go!"
"Okay, I understand. Now, don't neglect cleaning while mom is away. And your father will also be away for quite some time, too. I heard there's something urgent to inspect on the local estate. You can't lounge around and be lazy just because you don't have your mom and dad here. In the meantime, I'll write down everything you have to do, don't skip it."
Jennie's mother started writing a long list, then finally getting up a long time later.
"Okay then. I'll be back later."
"Have a safe trip! Stay for a long time!"
Jennie's mother was so worried about Jennie. She wondered if Jennie was devastated after hearing the news about Taehyung. She felt it was fortunate to see Jennie regain her energy, as if she had finally cleared up all her thoughts about the engagement.
Jennie's mother was slightly suspicious as Jennie seemed to be trying to send her out. But soon, Jennie's mother shook her head.
'I don't know how long my husband and I will be away.'
She wanted to watch from the side and soothe her, but unfortunately, something called both her husband and her away.'I'm sure everything will be fine.'
Since it was a private house on the duke's estate, there was nothing to worry about, and Jennie's not a child, so even if there's a problem, she will solve it well. Still, Jennie's mother was unable to erase her worries. As she rode away, she looked out of the carriage window and gazed at the house again and again.
'I hope my daughter will be fine until I come back.'
Unaware of her mother's concern, Ariel quickly returned to bed when she saw her mother's carriage moving away and pulled out the book under her pillow.
"Phew...... Now I can be at ease."
Jennie's trembling hand soon flipped to a page of the book.
[How did you feel about the first kiss? You must have been ecstatic. If you had done as this book told you, you have probably seen a new world.]
Jennie, who was reading the section, recalled last night's events. Their lips touched...... tongues entangled....... Jennie's eyes became hazy, and soon, her face turned red."It really went according to the book......."
Last night, for a while, she really knew what it felt like to go to heaven. When she first read the book, she didn't know what it meant to mix one's tongue and she thought it would be dirty. Yet when she experienced it, she clung to Taehyung without even thinking about it.
Jennie then turned the page and read ahead.
"Let's see...... Kissing does not end with a touch of the lips, but with a test of affection by using the tongue for confirmation......."
Jennie tilted her head while looking at the page explaining what a deep kiss was with a picture.
'I've practiced on the back of my hand over and over again.......'
She remembered the sensation of their tongues being so entangled that it hurt. She was just practicing by looking at the picture in the book, but she was sure that yesterday's kiss was amazing even if she had no experience in doing it.
The problem was that she couldn't remember how she did it. 'How did I put my tongue in? I don't remember the moment I touched his lips.'Jennie, who was admiring whether her unconscious self had led to yesterday's magical kiss, unknowingly covered her mouth.
'Did I... was I born this way?'
Otherwise, she couldn't have done this well without properly remembering the words in the book and not knowing how. Jennie recalled the words written somewhere in the book. Did it say that there's no problem if either side did well?
'Cause Taehyung can't do well.'
It's Taehyung who knew nothing. She was sure he followed her lead. Jennie turned to the book again.
[If you safely finished kissing, you'll have to go on to the next step. Now that we've confirmed that you're attracted to each other, let's work on more integrated stimulation. That's.......]
Jennie's eyes began to shine as she continued reading the book.
As it got dark, Jennie's eyes became glued to the window of her room, looking at the annex where Taehyung was staying. As the lamps that had been switched on here and there turned off one by one and the stars began to shine, the lights of the lamps flickered once again in Taehyung's room.At the signal, Jennie rushed out of her room with a coat.
'I'm glad both my parents are not here.'
Thanks to that, Jennie was able to leave the house without any worries. Thinking that everything was going well, Jennie hurried along.
Even if it's a place that she'd been to every day, it's a little scary when it's dark.
'Come to think of it.......'
She thought about how she came back home late yesterday, with Taehyung holding her hand and walking her to the front of the house. After arriving at the back door to the kitchen, he let go of her hand, saying, "Good night," kissed her forehead, and stood there until Ariel went inside.
Taehyung continued to stand there even after she returned to her room and looked down from the window. She didn't know until when Taehyung stood there. Tired of waving, she went to bed first and fell asleep.
Thanks to Taehyung walking her back, she didn't feel afraid anymore.
Jennie shivered in the cool night air and closed her collar. Suddenly, a shadow appeared in front of her."......!"
Jennie gasped in surprise but soon smiled.
"Sorry, were you surprised?"
"It's because you suddenly showed up."
It was Arsion who appeared before her. Jennie looked at the annex in the distance. It hadn't been long since the lamp blinked, so how did he get here so quickly? She couldn't even guess how fast he ran, and when she looked at Taehyung with eyes of admiration, he smiled and stretched out his hand.
"Let's go."
When Jennie placed her hand into Taehyung's, his warm body temperature was delivered through their joined hands. Quickly, the cool air and fear from a while ago faded.
Arriving at the annex, Jennie unknowingly gulped.
"Hey, Tae. Other people......." "No one's here. I told them to go back because I wanted to rest today."
Only then did Jennie relax a little. Then, there was something that came to mind.
"More than that, Tae, what happened yesterday...... Perhaps, you told someone or something......?"
It's Taehyung who knew nothing. If he had told someone in the mansion that she had been kissing him, and talked about what they were doing at night......!
Jennie's face turned white when she thought of that. She forgot to tell him to keep it a secret because she was so busy yesterday!
Taehyung, who saw Jennue turning pale, blinked and answered.
"No, I didn't tell anyone. Was I supposed to?"
"No! Never, never tell others!"
Her spine chilled at the thought of what would happen if Taehyung told others about what they did. Taehyung nodded, seemingly unaware of Jennie's inner turmoil.
"Okay, but why shouldn't I say it?""Th-that's...."
Jennie, who was trying to figure out a reply, soon came up with a plausible answer.
"How was it ye-yesterday? Was it good? It was, right?"
Taehyung nodded as if it was, and Jennie straightened her shoulders and said,
"S-So, I'm not teaching this just to anyone... on-only to you, I taught you because it's you. If you let others know, I would have to teach others......."
At that moment, Taehyung's eyes narrowed darkly.
"...Teach other people?"
Taehyung's voice dropped suddenly. Somehow, like the low growl of a threatening mountain beast, his voice caused Jennie to unknowingly step back, but Taehyung's hand, which held onto hers tightly, wouldn't let her go.
"Have you taught anyone else besides me?"
Jennie shook her head quickly, feeling an unknown fear at Taehyung's voice as he looked straight at her and inquired.
"O-Oh, no. You're, you're the only one I've taught!" "Really?"
"Are you serious? Oh, my god–"
'Who else would I do so many embarrassing things with?!' Jennie, who was about to shout, quickly closed her mouth.
"Ne-Nevermind, let's go inside. I'm going to teach you something else today."
With that said, Jennie opened Taehyung's door and walked ahead first. Taehyung, who had an expression of wanting to ask more, followed Jennie when he was told she would teach him something else tonight.
Jennie grabbed Taehyung’s hand and guided him to sit at the end of the bed. Taehyung, obediently following her directions, looked at her with eyes filled with anticipation just as he did yesterday.
"Jen, what you did yesterday."
"Huh? Oh! Yeah! Why?"
"Can we review it just once?"
Surprised, Jennie couldn't figure out how to respond. 'What does he mean by review? Did he really think this is some kind of study?' Jennie, who was thinking of saying no, changed her mind.'There's no reason not to.'
No, rather, she thought she would have to beg him to do more, but Taehyung wanted to do this first. 'Every time he feels pleasure in having physical contact with me, he takes another step forward on the path of corruption.'
"Uh, yeah... review.... That would be nice."
She couldn't find a reason to disagree, so she answered like that. At that moment, Jennie's vision was blocked.
Taehyung's face was in front of her before she could realize what had just happened. Jennie jerked, startled by his face that suddenly came so close, but Taehyung spoke in a low voice, just like he did a moment ago.
"Jen, open your mouth."
It was clear that he was making a request, but Jennie couldn't resist at the sound of his voice that was somewhat powerful, like a seductive command. As soon as Jennie, who was hesitating, parted her lips slightly, Taehyung moved quickly like a hawk craving food.
"A...... mmph! Eup!" Jennie's voice, which was about to call Arsion in surprise, was swallowed up. A wet tongue licked Jennie's lips. Then, it went inside without hesitation. His tongue slid in like a snake, rummaging through her mouth like yesterday, as if to trace his tracks. His tongue wrapped around hers as if it found what it came for.
"Ng, ngh!"
Jennie was stunned again by the sudden deep kiss. The squelching sound rang in her eardrums and the body temperature of another filled her mouth. Taehyung's tongue covered hers with a refreshing taste of mint.
At first, she wanted to push him away, but then, her hand lost strength and fell down. It felt like the power in her whole body was draining away. Still, her lower stomach was pulling, and her body twisted spontaneously because of the tingling sensation between her legs.
How long has it been since then?
Taehyung, who exhaled with satisfaction, moved his face slightly away from Jennie's. Already, the area around the mouths of the two was covered with saliva that had flowed out. Taehyung asked, wiping her mouth clean with his sleeve.
"I remembered it right?"
"Uh...... yeah...."Feeling faint, Jennie could barely nod her head as she looked at Taehyung blankly.
"Tae, can you lie on the bed for a second?"
Obeying Jennie's request without question, Taehyung walked over and laid on the bed.
'You've grown so much.'
Jennie remembered three years ago when she and Taehyung rolled around and ate snacks on this bed. It was a big bed, so it felt spacious even when the two laid down together with their arms and legs spread out, but now, it looked like Jennie occupied most of the bed space even when he laid in it all by himself.
Jennie, who was observing the scene at the bed, raised herself. Now wasn't the time to be like this. She had to do today's work quickly.
Taehyung called her in a slightly bewildered voice as Jennie climbed up onto his body, straddling him. Jennie leaned in and put her finger on Taehyung's lips, as she had read in the book.
"Shh. Stay still."
Taehyung shut his mouth at her command. Jennie took a deep breath. The Taehyung underneath her wore only thin pajamas. Perhaps that's the reason. She could feel his chest muscles, which she had never seen up-close before, were slightly outlined under the fabric.They were muscles that were chiseled and carved beautifully, as if someone had crafted delicately on a huge, hard mass. Jennie swallowed her saliva unconsciously in the flexion of his chest revealed between the buttons that were released by her hand.
"Fr-from now on...... no matter what I do, you have to stay put. D-Do you understand?"
It was such a strange thing to say, but Taehyung nodded silently to show he'll comply. Ariel murmured to herself, recalling what she was going to do tonight.
'You can do it well. I can do well...... I have to do well!'
Jennie, extremely determined, reached out and caressed Taehyung's face. His face, which had been intently staring at Jennie's actions to see if she was trying to do something, soon hardened. It was because Jennie's hand swept down Taehyung's cheeks and slowly went down his neck and began to feel around his collarbone.
Then, Jennie's fingers went between the buttons that were loosened.
And Taehyung's eyes grew bigger. Noticing that he was about to get up, Jennie spoke, albeit in a trembling voice.
"I-I told you to stay still!" Jennie, as she said so, quickly unbuttoned the remaining buttons and stripped Taehyung's of his top pajamas.
At that moment, an exclamation burst out of her mouth. The muscles seen over the clothes were no joke, and Taehyung's muscles revealed under the light of the lamp were as firm and strong as the statues of the heroes in legends.
Jennie extended her palm and put her hand on Taehyung’s chest muscles.
Flinch. When her hands touched his muscles, they contracted as if they were strained. Jennie felt a twitching muscle under her hand and squeezed his chest a little more as he let out a low groan.
'It's not bigger than my chest......?'
How the heck did he train? If it had been just flesh and not muscle, it must have been bigger than hers. Jennie, as if possessed, continued squeezing his chest in her hand.
"Hah...... ah...."
Then, Taehyung groaned beneath her. When she looked up and saw his face, Taehyung looked like he was distressed, even though it shouldn't hurt. Jennie, who was afraid to take her hand off him, shook her head.'This is the beginning of caressing.'
The book told her so. [The next time you kiss, caress your opponent's body.] The book kindly detailed the location, order, and intensity of caresses in a painting.
'When it's on his chest...... as if collecting from the side.......'
Jennie's hand fell over Taehyung's chest. Then, she squeezed it here and there, and rubbed it further. The more she did so, the louder Arsion groaned. Taehyung's body was greatly shaken as soon as her hand, which fell over his flat chest, grazed the tip of his nipple, which he did not know why.
Jennie, who almost fell forward because of it, shouted.
"I told you to stay put."
"Jen, but......."
Taehyung's constrained voice sounded as if he was in pain.
'Does a man get sick when one rubs his chest?'
Thinking so, Jennie relaxed her hands and carefully lowered them further. She felt like she had enough of his chest now. Then, as written in the book, she had to slowly pass through the ribs and go lower. As soon as she tried to lower herself to do so, Jennie felt something firmly raised against her hip."What's this...... Eek!"
Jennie, who was casually lowering her hand, soon realized what it was and turned away in surprise. While she was straddling Taehyung's stomach with her knees wide apart, Taehyung's bottom rose taut, as if it would tear his pajamas apart at any moment.
'So, so quick! Why is it so big?'
She knew in the book that men's genitals were evoked by stimulation. In the book, it said this would happen gradually. Standing up so quickly and so high was something that was not written in the book.
'Clearly, I have to touch that too.......'
The directions said at the end of the lesson was to caress the genitalia. It was written that if you rub over the pillar to stimulate it and at the same time gently release it, it will stand upright.
If it didn't stand up, it wouldn't be bad to think about whether you would really love him forever. It's called erectile dysfunction or something.
Jennie, however, was convinced that Taehyung had no such illness. Jennie recalled the sequence of caresses she had read on the worned out pages. Obviously, that was the last part. But as long as it happened like that, it wouldn't be a problem to do it any faster.
She was nervous every time she touched Taehyung's body, but she was even more nervous to touch the most important part.
'It's okay, it's a part of his body anyway. It's no different than anywhere else I've touched.'
As she mumbled in her mind again and again as if to hypnotize herself, Taehyung's forehead began to rise. As a result, she fell on her back onto the bed.
"No, Tae. Stay still. Be a good boy? I won't give you anything good if you don't stay put."
It was awkward because it was like dealing with a puppy, yet it was written in the book that it was better to use this term. She wondered if that was really the case, and thought that he'd complain about being treated like some kind of dog. Surprisingly, Taehyung covered his face with his arms, merely muttering something, not losing his temper.
Jennie took her hand to the top part of the pillar and held it carefully at the tip.
"......! "Then Taehyung's body jerked, and he groaned out loud again. But now, without saying anything, he covered his face with his hands and just mumbled something in an incomprehensible whisper.
"Tae, are you all right?"
"Just do it......."
Jennie's heart was beating rapidly because of his voice, his tone either suffering or pleading.
'I was told to do it over clothes first.'
Jennie fumbled over his pajamas. Soon, the huge pillar wrapped in cloth was caught in her hand.
'Hold the pillar and then slowly move my hands up and down.......'
Jennie's current expression was of burning enthusiasm rather than shame. It was amazing that it was going according to the book, and it was interesting to see the body of a man who had never done it properly before.
'Because it is Taehyung, it is possible.'
Jennie briefly imagined this with a man other than Taehyung. Suddenly, an unbearable amount of disgust came in. Surprised by herself, Jennie quickly erased the imagination and concentrated on Taehyung's pillar in her hands.The pillar in her hands seemed to grow even bigger to her surprise. It wasn't just him.
"Oh...... Ugh..."
Every time her hand moved, a groan came out of Taehyung's mouth. But strangely, when she heard that moan, her body felt hot. Jennie moved quickly, putting a little more force in her hands.
"Ah, ha, hah!"
Recalling the book's picture depicting the moving of hands up and down, Jennie continued to grab Taehyung's pillar and rub it. The moment she thought it seemed to be getting harder, Taehyung suddenly trembled profusely. Then he exhaled a long breath. Somehow, it was a breath of relief.
Taehyung lifted himself up when she called him to make sure he was really all right. Jennie swallowed saliva as she met his eyes. Somehow, it occurred to her that his eyes were filled with an intense emotion.
Taehyung raised his hand. Before Jennie could even close her eyes, his fingers pushed against her forehead. As Taehyung previously did, Jennie's body collapsed on the bed even without any proper use of force.The mattress shifted greatly. It was not because of Jennie. Her little body couldn't create this big shake. The shaking was due to Taehyung, who had climbed on top of her.
"Tae, what are you going to do......."
"It's my turn."
With those husky words, a large callused hand grabbed her chest.
Jennie twisted and tried in vain to escape his hand. Taehyung's other hand, after having locked Jennie's body tightly with both legs, persistently fondled her chest and rubbed it.
"Ahh, agh! Do-don't!"
Whenever Taehyung applied strength to his hands, stars sprang up in front of her eyes along with a tingling pain. Jennie quickly lost her breath because of the sensation of lightning hitting from the top of her head to the tip of her toes.
Taehyung's fingers, which had been rubbing her breasts without hesitation, began to unfasten the buttons on Jennie's chest. Although he slipped a few times, Jennie's chest was wide open in a flash due to his quick movements. Because she came without underwear, white bread-like mounds were revealed.Gulp.
Jennie heard Taehyung swallowing his saliva. This time, his palm immediately grabbed her bare skin, not over her clothes. Jennie's round chest changed shape according to the movement of his hands.
"It hurts! It hurts, Tae!"
Jennie burst into tears because he held one breast and twisted the other. Then Taehyung immediately restrained his hand. When Jennie confirmed that he was calming down, he carefully wrapped one breast and slowly moved his hands in a circle, as if he was making up for the strong grip a little while ago.
Yet his thumb pressed down on the tender flesh under her nipple. Ariel had to apply pressure to the tip of her toes, not knowing whether it was pain or pleasure. Then, she realized that her nipple was gradually rising and brushing against his palm.
Did Taehyung also notice that? He moved his hand and gently tugged the rising nipple between his fingers. With a tingling sensation, Jennie wrenched in tears. Then, Taehyung lowered his head, whispering in her ear as she tried to raise herself up.
"No, Jen. Stay still. Be a good girl? I won't give you anything good if you don't stay put."His hot breath, tickling her ears, said the same thing she said a little while ago. Jennie felt all her tiny hairs rising. Taehyung copied exactly what she did. If so...
Before she knew it, his hand was fumbling over Jennie's thighs. Then, he slipped his fingers between her legs.
Jennie's body jerked as much as Taehyung did a little while ago. With a low chuckle, Taehyung, who still held her breast, raised his thumb and flicked the tip of the clenched nipple with his fingernail. As her body shook, his fingers rubbed between her legs and slightly pressed into the petal folds over the cloth.
"Ah... please...... please, Tae......."
Before she knew it, Jennie's eyes were glistening with tears. Contrary to Jennie's idea that Taehyung would stop if she cried and begged, his hands moved faster. Just like Jennie did a little while ago.
He caressed Jennie's bottom over her clothes, as if he was moving according to how she taught him. A wide palm wrapped around her folds. Then, it started rubbing her up and down.
"Oh, uh, hu-hah."The heat rising from the place where his palms touched quickly spread throughout her body. So Jennie groaned and felt something swell up within her. Then, at that moment, Taehyung's hand pressed hard against her bottom.
"Oh, ah!"
The pleasure that had been gathered inside her exploded at once like a balloon bursting. Her whole body trembled and hardened. Then, Jennie's body collapsed on the bed like a doll with a broken thread.
She felt a sticky liquid running between her legs. Her blurred vision showed a part of Taehyung's pajamas, which was wet and had darkened as if water was spilled. Maybe it was the same for her own pajamas.
As Jennie cried and gasped, Taehyung, who had yet to take his hand off her chest, asked,
"Jen, what are you going to teach me tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow... doing everything we did today with our mouths......"
Ariel, who had said that much, hastily closed her mouth, but it's too late. Taehyung pressed Jennie's nipple with a clear expression as if he still had no idea of what shame was.
"I can't wait for tomorrow night to come."Now Jennie couldn't tell if she was waiting or afraid for the night to come. When the red sunset fell in the sky and darkness came, her heart began to pound, and if the lamp over in the annex blinked twice as long, her heart would burst.
Then, she headed to the annex while holding Taehyung's hand, who had come to pick her up at the front of the house. Her heart was pounding so hard that she wondered if it would burst through her chest.
As it was night again, the two resumed what they had done the previous day. This time, as she said, the same thing had to be done with the mouth, not the hands.
Taehyung went first this time. Taehyung, who looked at her chest and asked if he could lick it, sucked her chest like he was sucking candy for the first time. Later, when Jennie got dressed, as her pajamas brushed against her, she groaned.
Jennie had to wash after Taehyung. When she rubbed his nipple with her lips with the intention of returning what he did, Taehyung hugged her waist tightly, as if refusing to let her go and do more. Meanwhile, Arsion's enlarged pillar poked her stomach. Each time it happened, Jennie became more confident.
It had been another day.
"Can't we do it at your place today?"
Taehyung, who had come to pick her up at the front of the house, raised his head and looked at the window on the second floor where her room was, and suddenly asked.There was nothing that couldn't be done. Her father was still on a business trip and her mother was not back from her sister's house. Jennie thought for a moment about the state her room was in. Before she came out, she put <Things To Do at Night> on the bookshelf. She believed she organized her blanket and desk.
"There's nothing wrong with it......."
Even so, Taehyung's bed sheet, which was wrinkled by the two's previous struggles, was bothering her. There was no reason not to allow him in because it was easy to remove such traces in her house.
"Okay, let's go up."
After a while, in Jennie's room, the two were quickly undressing. Lying on her bed, Arsion fit the length perfectly from head to toe, as if measured with a ruler. Jennie giggled as if it was funny when she saw it, and Taehyung laughed along with her.
Now the two of them didn't mind taking off their clothes.
'Maybe because it's Taehyung.'
In the past, she thought it was something obscene that she couldn't even imagine doing, but when she saw Taehyung copying her innocently, she thought this was not a big deal. Because of this, Jennie was able to move forward more boldly as written in the book.
'But it might be a little tough today.'
Today, she finally had to do something that's almost like the real thing. Jennie, naked, climbed on top of Taehyung's body that was lying on the bed, and hugged him around the neck. Soft, voluptuous white breasts were crushed against his chest. The breaths of the two, who were clinging and rubbing their bodies against each other, quickly got excited.Now Taehyung didn't ask Jennie what to teach him. He went beyond imitating Jennie and began to do things she hadn't told him yet.
It was like that today. Jennie didn't say anything about what to do, but Taehyung started to move himself.
He began to kiss Jennie's forehead, who was on top of his body, then the small kisses passed her face and came down to her neck. But the kisses changed a little ever since his lips touched her chest. Taehyung's, who turned over and let her lie on the bed, now stood up, sucking and kissing everywhere.
The mild pain was swept away by greater pleasure. Every place where Taehyung's lips passed, red marks remained. Then, when his lips reached between her legs, Taehyung grabbed Jennie's thighs with his hands and spread them apart.
"Ngh, please. Don't..."
In absolute shame, Jennie tried to push Taehyung's head away, but his body wouldn't budge like a giant rock. Tsk. As he buried his face between Jennie's legs, a lewd wet sound soon leaked.
Squelch. With the sounds and sensation of frantic licking and sucking, Jennie now couldn't even think of pushing his head any further, but held the sheets of the bed tightly with her hands and could only cry out in pleasure.Soon after, the climax came. Liquid poured out underneath her, but the sheets didn't feel wet. It was because Taehyung swallowed it as if it was all his.
Taehyung, who seemed to keep his face below forever, raised his head. Jennie was already stretched helplessly after a single climax. Taehyung lifted himself up and put his lower body close to her.
Ariel lowered her head and looked down at the sound of the pillar being raised.
His pillar, so ferocious that she could not believe to be attached to the angelic Taehyung's body, was placed against her vagina. Ariel swallowed her saliva in the ferocity of seeing it several times yet still not used to it. Taehyung spoke in a bright voice, apparently unaware of Jennie's tension.
"If mine goes inside you, will it reach this far?"
Taehyung, who said so, pressed down on the spot where his pillar was nearing.
Suddenly, Jennie, whose navel was pressed, swallowed her breath. As Taehyung said, if his pillar entered, it would probably reach that far.'It's bigger than what was shown in the book.......'
The book drew a pillar bigger than the average for men. Taehyung's was, by all accounts, much longer and thicker than that.
"N-not yet today......."
"I know. You said I needed more practice. Then Jen, tell me what we have to do today."
The words reminded Jennie of what she saw in the book. Soon, she squeezed her legs together and put him between her thighs, touching her folds.
"Sion...... would you like to slowly move your hips from now on? Slowly back and forth......."
Taehyung immediately understood Jennie's words. Over the feisty spot, a huge pillar slowly began to move forward and back, rubbing her folds up and down.
At first, Taehyung's face, as if wondering why he was doing this, began to harden. The tender, plump flesh of her thighs pressed against him pleasantly. Before she knew it, Ariel closed her eyes and groaned as liquid began to spill again."Haa, ha, ah, ahhn!"
Her breasts rose higher. She repeatedly fell back into the bed. The same was true of Taehyung. He kept moving his waist like a possessed man.
"Slo-slow down, ha, ngh, uhh!"
As the two people's movements intensified, the old wooden bed made a squeaking sound as if it were about to break.
"T-Tae, Tae, Tae."
Jennie then embraced his neck, wept, and continued to call his name. And then Jennie voice rose.
White, sticky semen was sprayed over her stomach and breast.
"Haa...... hah...."
Jennie's leg, which relaxed, fell gently onto the bed. Taehyung took a wild breath and looked, enchanted, at the picture he had painted on her body. Ariel's eyes, which had been fluttering for a long time, slowly closed.
"Jen." "Sorry, Tae. Just a little bit... Sleep...."
She had never fallen asleep so quickly in his room. Since it was her house, it seemed to be easier to relax.
Soon, Jennie fell asleep, her breathing even. Taehyung, who was watching her, slowly lifted himself up and got out of bed. Then, without hesitation, he headed to the bathroom. It was a natural movement, as if he was entering and exiting his old home.
As if he knew well what was where, he found a towel, soaked it in water and sat next to Jennie, who was asleep. Looking at Jennie who was sleeping with semen sprinkled on her stomach and chest with loving eyes, he soon began wiping his traces with a towel.
In his heart, he wanted to leave it until morning, but if he did, the semen might dry up on Jennie's delicate skin and sting. In addition, Taehyung hated the fact that there were other traces left on her white skin than the ones he made himself.Thoroughly wiping her body, he found Jennie's pajamas, buttoned them to the top button and put them back on the bed. Then, he sat by the bed and swept the sleeping Jennie's hair away.
Taehyung, who had been looking at Jennie for so long, lowered his head and kissed her lips.
"Jen, these things I do at night with you......."
Taehyung whispered in the ear of the sleeping Jen. "I feel really good."

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