51~ Girlfriend?

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Author's POV

Aabha didn't wait and walked out leaving the girl behind her with troubled thoughts.

Yana thought about her last word, 'Trivedi' and decided to talk with her brother on this topic and sighed rubbing her forehead.

Why did everything go merry around and stop on Trivedi's, she knew, she needed to find it out soon, or God knows what turmoil the future would come up with.

Her thoughts broke hearing noises and she noticed the waiter was lifting empty coffee mugs so she kept the tip of 1000 remembering the taste of coffee.

She instantly remembered about doughnuts for her sons and a wide smile adorned her lips.

"Mam, don't please," His shaky words didn't go unnoticed by her and she asked, "Why? I am paying the bills..and leftover Keep it for yourself no need to return the money."

She warmly smiled at him making him regret and he said, "We can't take it, Mam, you don't need to pay....and please don't smile at me."

She frowned hearing his weird words and assumed by his appearance that he was barely a graduate so she held his hand before keeping the money in his palm and said, "Keep it."

The boy shuddered in terror and the shattering sound of cups left her stunned and bewildered.

A manager came near them and scolded that poor fellow, "Don't you fucking know how to work? Sir is here you stupid boy, clean the floor not a single trace of glass should be left there."

The manager wasn't shouting in a high voice, it was so hushed tone and she found it a little weird.

She noticed the restaurant was almost empty and her sixth sense told her she should leave now.

She was feeling too weird with no panty underneath but after seeing that poor boy getting scolded because of her, she chose to speak in his defence, "Sir it's my fault, I was just giving him a tip, please don't shout at him, he is scared."

That boy almost spilled tears not because of her caring words but because he remembered someone dear, Knowing he wouldn't be able to go alive to his home to meet his only mother.

That manager saw her face and understood why that boy was shaking and now his condition wasn't different.

He immediately lowered his eyes and said, "Mam....we...are sorry...please forgive us....we won't do it again...he just graduated from college mam, he isn't very experienced, please forgive him, he has an old mother to take care of please have some mercy on his poor soul."

Yana stumbled back in shock and confusion, she didn't get why they were saying this and acting like someone was keeping a knife in their throat.

She gulped and calmly said, "Sorry If I did something wrong I will keep my money to myself, Now is it okay?"

She found every employee looking scaredly at her and smelled something fishy.

She moved her eyes all around and found CCTV cameras all around, it would have looked common to her if those waiters weren't scared with just the broken mugs and it instantly made her doubt the owner.

She took out the second solution and wrote something on paper before secretly handing it to the manager.

That manager took it hesitantly and read the lines only to get horror-struck and said, "No mam we don't need any help we are fine...we were just scared– we are fine."

She stared at them with suspicious eyes and openly said to that graduate boy, "You tell me, is there any problem here? I mean why are you so scared? Did anyone abuse you? Don't get scared I will help you out."

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