Chapter 2: "He's not Li Ming"

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"Are you alright?"

The transfer student asked me whilst gently shaking my shoulders to wake me up from my daydream.

He had this deep voice and sweet tone that had me entranced for a while.

I wasn't able to speak to him at that moment...i-it was so weird for some reason.

He made me feel....weird. Plus the playful grin he had on his face right now wasn't also being helpful.

I looked away.

"Y-yeah, totally fine. I just re..remem..bered m-my d-dog, it uh i-it just passed away a week ago, n-no big deal, man".

I mentally facepalmed. Really now? out of all the excuses I could come up with I chose the dying pet excuse?

How pathetic.

Totally dumb.

Such a lame excuse.

What a piece of useless mind do I have? Arggh...

"Oh, your dog, huh?" he asked again, looking unsatisfied with my answer.

I know he didn't believe a word I said and who am I to blame him?

"Yep, now leave me alone. Pay attention to the teacher will you? And mind your own freaking business, transfer student" I groaned and shrugged him off hoping he'll stop talking to me.

Unfortunately for me.

He didn't.

"Liang Chen".

Huh? the heck is he even saying.

I stared at him with a puzzled look on my face.

"My name is not "transfer student" I have a name. It's Liang Chen" he said nonchalantly, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

Oh...well, should I also introduce my name to this guy then?

Ugh, of course! Manners, Xu Wei. And a bit of common sense, too.

" name's Xu Wei. Nice to meet you then, man."

I smiled, unsure of why I even did that.


"Sorry for your loss by the way" he spoke, somewhat curious of something "so, what's the breed?" he continued.

"Breed?" I asked, unaware of what he was pertaining to until

"Your pet" he smirked.

My pet? What!


"Oh! My pet! uh I-uh i-it was a Roborovski!" I said frantically and so out of the blue, I looked totally stupid. Dammit! It was a hamster's breed not a dog's breed!

"Gotcha" he looked at me.

I didn't even realize that the teacher was still speaking infront. Yeah, well I don't pay attention to them anyways to begin with, but that's because I'm always preoccupied with my own thoughts, mostly with Li Ming.

But now, the reason is different.

Totally different.

It's because of him, this new guy.

Liang Chen.

"Both of you, Liang Chen, Xu Wei! Could you stop talking to each other!? Xu Wei you rascal, you're not even paying attention yet you still have the audacity to talk with your seatmate, huh?" Mr. Wang yelled as he threw a chalk at me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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