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His bedroom looked exactly identical to the interior of his house. Elegant and bright. The walls were painted white, and the ceiling was a neutral gray. A crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling. A king-size bed was placed in the center of the room, with a black carpet beneath it. Simple furniture in a snow-white color, a large window with long curtains tied apart, and a small couch with a coffee table next to it, which I sat on while Rowan was changing.

This guy had a huge amount of money. More than I thought.

After a few minutes, Rowan entered the room from his closet, dressed in gray sweatpants and a white T-shirt. I couldn't help myself but stare at his masculine body. He was like a work of art you just had to admire from a distance.

"Would you like a cup of coffee?" He asked.

"Coffee at such an hour? Don't tell me you drink it so late every day." I laughed.

He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled at me awkwardly, which I found very adorable. "Uhm, of course not. Tea is a better option, huh?"

I nodded, and my lips created a thin line. I again felt weird at someone else's place. I sat at the edge of the couch like a weirdo. When Rowan went downstairs to prepare the tea, I quickly shifted in my place to look more comfortable, but truthfully, I was nervous.

Rowan was the most interesting and well-behaved man I've ever met, but I had a feeling he was hiding something from me the moment he could stand up after being hit by Death. I mean, how could you, without a problem, get up when the Grim Reaper smacked you and you flew like a ball? When Rowan returned with cups of tea, I knew I had to question him.

"How are you feeling now?" I analyzed his body, which looked perfectly unscathed.

He sipped from his tea and choked on it as he heard my question. "I feel...well?" He said.

My eyebrows were raised so high that they almost reached my hairline.

"Take off your shirt," I demanded.

He gawked at me like I was insane, but I had to be sure. I wouldn't make the same mistake I did with Madeline. I mean, Death.

When he didn't do as I asked of him, I got up and walked in front of him. At first, I wanted to just lift his shirt, but I thought of a better plan in case he would protest. Without a warning, I crashed down on his lap, and that took him by such a huge surprise that he froze wide-eyed, staring at me.

I touched the hem of his shirt and swiftly pulled it over his body while he was still in shock. I threw the T-shirt onto the floor like trash and scanned his untouched body. Not a single scratch. Not a single bruise.

I stared at his excellently shaped abs; I had to touch them. His skin was smooth and flawless as I trailed my fingers over his torso. Suddenly, butterflies spread, flying inside my stomach. My cheeks began to burn, and when my eyes met his, there was a moment of desire flicking in his pupils.

That not-lasting moment was destroyed when, behind Rowan's back, a pair of feathered wings unfolded. I flinched so badly that I fell onto my back on the floor. Thankfully, the fall wasn't too bad, as my back landed on a comfortable rug.

"Are you okay?" Rowan's head hovered over me, but I couldn't believe what I was seeing attached to his back. He helped me get up, and I immediately had to sit down; otherwise, I'd be lying on the floor again.

Did I go crazy?

"What? How? Why?" I burst out, holding my forehead.

Rowan sat down next to me and made his wide wings disappear. "I'll explain everything." He cleared his throat. "I had no intention to lie to you, but I first wanted to know what kind of person you are. When I saw you for the first time, I thought you were a dark person because of the way you presented yourself."

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