Story 1: Wingmen

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A short adventure about Alph, Brittany, Winged Pikmin, and The Ship (Pikmin 2).

Alph woke up with butterflies in his stomach. Today was the day him and his friends took their big space trip. He got ready and headed to Brittany's house to discuss. Brittany greeted him when he opened the door, as well as their Winged Pikmin friend Winger. They decided that they first needed to find a ship to fly. The gang snuck to the aircraft hangar and spotted a suitable ship. It was white and pink, a bit tattered but definitely flyable.

When no one was looking, the crew broke into the cockpit of the ship and turned the engine on. Luckily Alph was a ship engineer and knew how to fly it, so they would have no troubles getting around. They took off, with the security running after them.

About 10 minutes into the trip, they noticed a strange sound coming from the top of the ship. "Hey!! Hey!! Return me at once!!!" They suddenly realised the ship was talking! "Where are you going??!!? Take me back to the hangar!!!" exclaimed The Ship. "WE PICKED THE WORST POSSIBLE SHIP!!! WHY DID WE PICK ONE THAT TALKS??!!?" Winger shouted. "WELL WE DIDN'T KNOW IT TALKED WHEN WE GOT IT!!!" screamed Brittany. "I guess it's good, I haven't gone anywhere in a while... so where are we going?" said The Ship. "Hm." said Alph. "Well, we're just kind of cruising around, seeing where space takes us." said Brittany. A loud roar suddenly rattled the ship. "WHAT WAS THAT!!!!!" yelled Winger. 

A massive monster flew in front of the ship. A giant hornet-like creature with ginormous wings and a massive proboscis. "JESUS FUCKING SHIT WHAT THE HELL IS THAT OH MY GOD PLEASE HELP US OH MY GOOD LORD" yelled Winger. "JESUS CHRIST! WAIT, I might be able to help!!! I'll try to absorb it with my rays!!!" said The Ship. The monster called a horde of smaller space hornets which it was conducting with its proboscis. The Ship activated its absorbing rays and began to slowly suck up the beast, but the smaller hornets were swarming the ship and making it harder to absorb. "I can help!" yelled Winger. She ejected from the ship and began to attack the hornets, slowly killing the whole horde.

Once they were all gone, the ship was able to absorb the giant hornet with ease. "YYEESS!!! Thanks for the help, Winger!" said Alph. "I suggest we head back home..." said Winger. "Same..." said Brittany. The Ship turned around and brought them all back to their planet safe and sound. "It might be a while before I next go on a space trip..." sighed Alph. "We're with you on that..." said Winger and Brittany.


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