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"The man who goes quickly by the direct road passes the man who strays from the path." - Chrétien de Troyes

The very same night Zahara could not sleep.

He slowly releases her hand. They way his mind seemed far as he subconsciously observed her with occasional head tilts. She does not know what to say having not said a word the whole way back considerably so he may not realise who's hand he was holding.

"Baldwin...?" She whispers just to say his name.

"Zahara... I want you to vow this to me." Her attention spikes from the serious tone.

".. Of course, anything-"

"No, hear it all before considering...Even if you are under my commands, I do not wish for you to not have a mind of your own because if you see that you must break character to do the right thing, then I encourage you to do so, even if it means to go against my orders. But only if you must. Do you understand?"

What does one say to this? She thought about trying to find the right words as though it wasn't simple I understand or I do not understand. To remain loyal whilst maintaining my mortality? She pondered, not being able to think about what such a pure hearted king like him could do to make her reconsider her loyalty. Or was it what she would do?

"I understand, My Lord."

A headache makes her dizzy in the morning, her hazy vision now worsened from the burning sensation due to the lack of sleep. The sun seems brighter. Maybe it is a good day. Maybe not. But either way she must go down to the market for some supplies.

Through the smokey streets she strolls, unsure of what else to do. It is then she recognises a face she knows too well. With a big wave she catches her attention.

"Eloise!" She calls, slipping her way through the crowd. When she catches her they embrace.

"Sweetheart! It's been too long. How is everything up there!?" Zahara coaxes the basket of groceries out her hand whilst rolling her eyes.

"It's...different now." She nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

"And what does that mean? Do you not like it there?" She shakes her head quickly, readjusting the heavy basket on the bend in her arm.

"It's lovely! He lets me use his library for my studies. He's too kind...How is it with you? You look busy!" She begins changing the subject.

"Keen eye you have there! I am at the peak of times where I just need to be away from the children. Actually, Ahmed and I are going out!" A smile graces her features as she speaks, appearing a bit flustered whilst she nibbles her lip.

"Actually I want to ask you a big favour, in return for a check!" Zahara nods slowly, wanting to hear it first.

"Just for three days could you babysit the kids please! It will be straightforward and a handsome pay I promise!" Eloise begs with ambition sparkling in her pupils to which Zahara could not decline.

"There's no need! I miss them so of course I will. It's a good opportunity for us to spend time together!" With that she thanks Zahara numerous times before they make their way to her home.

The three days were extremely long. You'd think it was because Zahara realised babysitting wasn't the easiest thing ever and that Eloise had fibbed, but actually it was because the kids wanted to participate in a lot of activities. To her surprise, it could just be her washing the dishes and they would want to help with drying the plates. Ofcouse she didn't let them, one broken plate will become a dozen if she wasn't careful. The final night came and she sat playing with dolls with the little girl.

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