From the mind of Kayla:
It has been 3 months since Troye has spoken to me. I really want to talk to him about that kiss but I haven't seen him.
"Is he avoiding me" I thought
Of course he isn't. Maybe we just have different schedules. I haven't been the same since our kiss. Admittedly I was the one who kissed him but it felt like he kissed back but we haven't seen each other in three months. I'm really confused. School starts in one week and I honestly want to see him before then.
Right now I'm gonna find Troye and he will explain himself. I go to the garage to get my skateboard to ride to his house. It's 2 on a Sunday so he just came from helping at the library,orphanage, he finished work He's a successful Youtuber, and he is done tutoring the local youth (youth haha. get it)center. So now is a perfect time for a surprise visit.
"Mom I'm going to Troye's"
"Don't stay out too long" my mom calls to me from the kitchen.
"Don't worry I will be fine." I call back.
From the mind of Troye:
Kayla coming over was so unexpected. I was trying to avoid her to sort my feelings. But this girl popping up out of the was not calculated.
"Troye, Kayla is at the door"
In case your wondering I live with my Dad. My mom left when I was 1 month old leaving me in the care of my father. But he made his way. We even have a house that is huge.
"Dad tell Kayla to leave I honestly don't want to deal with her right now."
"Troye you come down from your room and talk to Kayla this instant. You haven't seen her in 3 months and what if she's hurt or heartbroken? The least you could do is talk to her."
"Do i have to?" I whine.
I throw on all black and walk downstairs to meet Kayla at the doorway.
"What do you want?" I ask her in an emotionless tone.
"I want to talk about the kiss" she reply's.
"There is nothing to talk about. We kissed. That's it." I say.
"So you kissed back?" She asks
"Yeah. So"
"That means you like me back"
"Whatever" I reply trying to sound cool but probably failing at it making me look totally idiotic. "So do you want to be my girlfriend and junk?"
Now I don't know what she will say but I'm good either way. You see if she says yes then I'm good. If she says no then I can move on.
Then she leaves with a kiss. Her lips are soft against mine.
"See you later" she says adorably
She turns and says "I see you've changed"
"not really"
"Yeah you did. You are sexier than the last time i saw you" she purr's with a wink
This leaves my eyes widened.
"What have i gotten my self into?"

Touch (a tronnor AU)
FanfictionTroye Sivan Mellet has a small crush on his friend best friend Kayla. But soon discovers his true sexuality. He soon meets Connor at Vidcon. One thing leads to another and connor and Troye fall madly for each other. The want to go public but there i...