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It was the first day of spring. The sun was shining brightly as if inviting people to spend time outdoors. Juliette carefully took steps in the forest as she searched for the perfect spot to draw, the perfect scenery to admire. She wiped her sweat and then her hands on the skirt of her outfit.

Her lips curved into a small smile as she admired the clear blue lake in front of her. She calmly sat down and began taking out her sketchbook from her satchel. Hours went by and she finally finished with her drawing. She tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear and inhaled the spring air.

Birds were chirping a melodious sound, as if pleased with her presence there. She looked at the tree branches and admired how the mother birds went to their nests to feed their children. It was such a peaceful atmosphere that she wished she could live there.

She slowly got up from her resting spot and dusted off her skirt. As she was about to leave, her eyes widened due to the sudden sound of a gunshot. She jumped in fear and held a tree for support before looking around, possibly searching for the source.

"What was that?" She asked herself and the birds, hoping they would understand her anyway. She went forward and tried to search for the source. Her heart dropped when she saw a deer bleeding on the ground. She gasped and cupped her mouth.

The culprit who made the gunshot sound heard her gasp and immediately turned to look at her. His lips curved into a small smirk, eyeing her up and down as he continued wiping his gun.

Juliette couldn't believe her eyes as she approached the poor deer, seeing a red ribbon tied to its leg. It was the same deer she found when it was a fawn. Although it lived in the wild, it was very friendly to her and sometimes would tag along in her scenery-finding adventure. She had tied a ribbon to its leg to recognise it and even named it 'Bambi'.

The man scoffed and arched an eyebrow as he continued staring at her. She finally gave him her attention and felt so small standing in front of him. He made her feel so insignificant, so small and so worthless. And she hated him for that.

"You just killed it," she clenched her jaw, suppressing her anger.

He sighed, "So? That's what hunting is for."

"So you hunt for sport?"

He scoffed once again, "It is a noble hobby, something you commoners will never understand."

She frowned and glanced at her outfit. It did look shabby and dirty due to the dirt from sitting on the ground and all. But why would she need some expensive clothing just to wander around the forest?

She was not a commoner. She was the daughter of Viscount William Anderson, who had contributed to the kingdom for years already. Their family is even close to the royal family since her parents are close friends to the king and queen.

She smirked at the thought of him oblivious to who she was, but she didn't want to let him know just yet.

Let him think I'm a commoner, she thought. He was insignificant to her life anyway.

"How can you sleep and wake up, deciding to continue with this brutal sport?" She asked the man again.

He mockingly smiled before pointing the gun at her, "I don't know, it just so happens."

She stood her ground and took a deep breath, trying to hide her trembling body. He then pointed the gun above her head where there were a nest of little birds chirping.

Her eyes widened as she ran to him, "No!"

She snatched his gun away and threw it on the ground, "I will not let you continue with this brutal sport!"

"Who are you to tell me what to do? You are lucky I did not kill you for trespassing," the man scowled.

"Trespassing?" She asked confusingly, "I am not! It is a forest. It is open to anyone."

"This forest is part of my family's property. Weirdly, you are trespassing. But stopping me from hunting my own animals who live in my forest?"

I've been coming to this forest for almost ten years already. Why is he suddenly claiming it?

"Your grace! There you are!" Their attention changed to a group of men with their horses approaching them.

Your grace?

She frowned and looked at him up and down. "I see you have company, your grace," one of the men who just came asked.

Suddenly, it came to Juliette's mind that only a Duke or a Duchess is addressed as 'your grace'. She took a few steps back as she tried to process whatever information she had received.

The Duke smirked before getting on his horse, "Make sure there are no trespassers next time," he ordered his men before leaving the place.

She watched as the men followed behind the arrogant duke, leaving her behind.

"A duke with a jerk personality. He's way worse than a mere commoner," she hissed under her breath.

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