Part 4 - Testosterone

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James sat frozen for a few long seconds as his brain refused to accept the reality. Alina Alicante was still pressed to him as his hands took her by the shoulders and moved her back: "What...did you just do?" He couldn't find his voice as his mind dashed between the notion that this should not be happening and that it had happened. He had noticed the woman was too friendly, but he had made sure he kept his distance. How come she has misunderstood?

He could feel his heart pounding in his ears as he waited for her to say something.

As her big blue eyes stared at him, he wrinkled his forehead and whispered: "I never gave you any signal ...What were you thinking?...You're...fired!"

He blurted the last sentence out, let go of her shoulders and stood up. His hand raked his hair as his mind realized he had spotted movement by the door in the few seconds her mouth had been pressed on his. But he wasn't sure? How could he be?

Alina stood up from the couch and when he turned to her, she said softly: "You can't fire me. I don't work for you!"

James was still feeling stunned and now felt reeling as the sense of a trap being laid suddenly accosted him.

Alina soothed her top and went on: "I really like you...and although I have heard your wife to be a hot shot, the door with me will remain case you change your mind!"

James saw red, not only because of her inability to hide the tease in her tone, but because even if she had assumed he was interested, now that he had told her he was not, she didn't seem to care enough to even apologize.

And it all made no sense, as it did not resemble what a reasonable person would expect in such a misguided exchange.

The thought that he had to find out who had seen them took over his mind as he turned briskly on his heel and walked out of her office. He didn't intend to slam the door, but somehow it echoed after him.


Teresa's cell rang with James's tune and her heart froze.

She was not ready to talk to him. What if he said it was over? What if he told her he had been unhappy and needed space? What if this was the end of them?

They had had it so good for so long, that she felt cold gripping fear that bad things were about to happen.

How would she react if he wanted out? How would she fight for him...for them...for the family? She was in shock this was happening to her! She had no strategy, no idea...she needed time.

Her heart hammered in her chest and as he fingers trembled over the green button on the screen, the call ended. Teresa exhaled deeply and stood up to join the boarding line for her plane.

She felt ashamed and disloyal for not being able to take his call! And he obviously needed and wanted to talk to her!

She would talk to him, as soon as she arrived and got some more information...from Pote and from the woman herself. She promised herself.


The resort in Madagascar had been built first and because they had been in a rush to free up resources to start other construction, now it needed expansion. The building had a left and a right wing, and the four of them used the right-wing loft to stay overnight when in town. It had two huge bedrooms, a large dining room with a kitchenette and a large TV entertainment area.

Pote sat in the bar chair and gulped his third tequila shot as the far bedroom door opened and James walked out, surly, and preoccupied.

Pote had missed to notice he was even in. Had he heard him tell Kelly Anne what he had witnessed and how Teresa had tried to keep her composure when he had reported to her?

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