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2 | Sweet Pineapple

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2 | Sweet Pineapple


The gold crown on Reign's head glittered in the reflection of the large vanity mirror. It smiled under the fresh light of the sun pouring through the master bedroom windows and glowed through each kiss of the gentle pink rays from Regina's bubble bulbs.

"Awe. Sweet slut can only dream of being as pretty as me."

"At least you think I'm sweet." Reign huffed.

"Mhm. Sweet as salty fries."

She rolled her eyes and met Regina's gaze in her friend's vanity mirror. It was an extravagant piece of her bedroom. She lifted the old pageant crown off her head and gently placed it on the bookshelf filled with awards. Most involved Regina's pageant years, while others congratulated her on being pretty and somewhat talented in every field she tried.

Her fingers tugged against her waves. Reign fell down onto Regina's mattress, laying down on her back. She watched the blonde paint her nails with an annoyed whisk of her hand, silently begging–more like threatening–her to quit moving with the wet paint so close to her new bed sheets.

"That color isn't you." Reign pointed out, pressing her lips together when Regina didn't stop her polish wand. "Black. You should try black."

"Take a hike, babe." Regina shoved the brush back into the small glass bottle and smirked down at Reign. "Why would I ever take advice from you? Your nails look like shit. You're lucky I even let you hang out with me."

"No." Reign looked back up at the pink revolving ceiling fan. "You're lucky I even came. I've got better things to do than listen to you bitch all the time about your sorry ass life and help you with your homework."

"Says the one living in my pantry." Regina poked Reign's cheek with her brush and smirked when a red stain soaked into her skin. "Oops."

Reign rolled her eyes and carefully used her wrist to smear away the nail polish. She rubbed it into her skin and chuckled at the red stain, dropping back onto the fluffy pink bedding her friend insisted on having.

The two settled there for a few minutes, listening to music and enjoying each other's company. This was normal for them. Settling into a routine of doing whatever they cared for without bothering one another. Most of the time, Regina worked on homework and only pulled Reign back in when she needed help or wanted a spa partner. Same went for when Reign needed help with thoughts on an outfit or judging Bumble boys and classmates in her direct messages. Neither cared for the clinginess of having to run a scheduled playdate when they hung out.

"There's a new kid at school."

"Oh, yeah?" Regina hummed. "Is he cute?"

"She's a nervous wreck from Kenya." Reign opened her eyes and chuckled. "Names Caddy or something."

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