Chapter 1 - The Phone

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It was a dark and lonely night, Alice was watching TV. She was about to stand up to go make herself a sandwich, but when she got up the phone started ringing. She picked it up and no one and answered." That's weird", she said. So she went to the kitchen and started making a sandwich. Just then the phone rang again. This time she ignored it and kept making a sandwich. Then there was a knock on the door." Ugh who could that be?" She asked. When she opened the door there was no one there." That's strange. She then walked back to the kitchen to find a mysterious looking guy putting mayonnaise on her sandwich. He was dressed in all black and had a mask with a screaming face on it." Who are you?", she asked." This is the last person you're ever gonna see alive!" He replied. Then she started screaming and ran away. The masked man then started chasing her." Leave me alone!" Screamed Alice. "Hahaha", laughed the man. She was running until she got to her room. She locked the door and hoped he wouldn't get in." Oh Alice, OPEN THE DOOR!", shouted the man."NOO!" She yelled. Just then the man broke the door down." Leave me alone!" She shouted. Then she jumped out the window of her two story house." Oww!" She cried. Alice broke her leg. She began crawling on the floor when the man came from behind." No, please don't kill me!" Yelled Alice. He then stabbed her right on the leg. She started bleeding." What do you want from me!" She shouted. He didn't reply. She began crying." Come here", he said." NO!" Yelled Alice. He got mad so he stabbed her in the same spot. Then he tied her with a rope, put duct tape on her mouth, and took her to the roof of the house. He started thinking of how to kill her."Hmmm... Ah yes", he thought. So he jumped off the roof carefully and went to go grab gasoline and some matches. While he was climbing back up he accidentally fell." Oww, that hurt", he said. Then he climbed back up.
"Who is he and why does he want to kill me", thought Alice.
The Man then started pouring gasoline on Alice's pool and threw a lit match in it. The pool was now in flames. Then he turned around to Alice and started pouring gasoline on her. He then tried lifting her up to throw her in the pool, but she was too heavy for him and he accidentally fell instead.
Alice looked down and the masked man was laying on the ground. He broke his neck and there was blood around him. " Thank God, but how am I supposed to get out of these ropes", she asked. When she looked down again he was gone.

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