°~Flame and Knifes info~°

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This little info sheet will include important-ish stuff y'all need to know so you can get a good look at how flame and knifes do their thingy thing thang >:)👍 so plez enjoy this sheet—your lovely author 💕

Class name: flame
Age: 20-30
Eye color: hazel/green
Hair color: dark brown
Skin tone: pale/peach
Ethnicities: white, fin, French
Height: 5'2
Weight: unknown
Real name: Somnia
Sex: female
Sexuality: bisexual
Lore/backstory: flame and knifes have been friends since middle school, so her and knifes both went through a lot of bullies and traumatic experiences. flame didn't have a very great home life either, constantly fighting with her mother and siblings. So when she graduated highschool she decided to become a mercenary since she wasn't aloud to join the army because she was "too small and meek" she took that as a challenge. Flame later found out a out a place called Team fort/Mercenary Park (don't come for me I forgot what the place was reall called..) And they decided since they couldn't be in the army, they would become the next best thing. Killing blu clones of herself and her teammates.

Class name: knifes
Age: 21
Eye color: white
Hair color: black/light brown
Skin tone: caramel
Ethnicities: African American, Italian, Asian.
Height: 5'7-5'8
Weight: 185
Real name: Daidis
Sex: unknown
Sexuality: unknown
Lore/backstory: knifes was bullied a lot as a kid due to their weird behavior, they had a speech impediment which caused them to stutter, and they were always with flame. Which caused people to call them both "lesbians" or "faggots" knifes didn't have a way out. When they went to school, it was hell. When they went home, it was hell. The only time they truly felt at peace was when they were with flame or drawing. Knifes would offen sneak out their window and go to flames house to stay, no one ever realized knifes was gone because their family didn't really care about them, plus they were a middle child. When they found out flame was going to become a mercenary, they agreed to become one with her. Because they promised eachother they would never be apart. So with that, they both became mercs and haven't been split up since.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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