Chapter 2: The Birth & Decay Of John

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John, a human male, a fruit of labor from a female and male human, he grew in the ideal environment a child should grow, with all the love his parents had for him.
From a young age he displayed an interest in dismantling his toys and learning how they were built and how they worked, often putting them back together by joining different parts instead of the original. Even though he was very young he knew very well what he wanted from life and what his goals were and was determined to get there by any means necessary.
Before finishing his time at the University Of Human Development and Enhancement, he was approached by 2 mysterious men, holding a paper that seemed to be an NDA, these men claimed they had monitored John closely and were looking to hire him, after a long chat about the company looking to hire him, John knew he was gonna work for the biggest mega corporation in the world, The ExHumanica Group, needless John agreed to take the job offer, he quickly moved up the ranks and became lead researcher in the "human enhancement" section of the company, where he would mainly research ways for disabled humans to move and interact with the world, this is where John found his calling.
Plagued by dreams about an idea he's had he quickly draws up a presentation and goes to show the heads of the company, but they disagree claiming his plans are unethical and would violate the laws of nature as we know it.
His plans were to create an empty humanoid bipedal body, similar to that of a human that could replace the physical body of a disabled person, angry that his superiors declined his invention he secretly chose a few trusted employees and began realizing his idea. After numerous fails he finally had brought his dreams to reality and made the body, except he could not perfect the sintetic skin and his prototype ended up looking like a being of cold metal, he was satisfied enough to start looking for human trials, due to the secretive nature of his operation he couldn't manage to find anyone willing to transfer their "being" to a cold, lifeless hunk of metal and ended up doing it himself, it is a big success, now John has a new body that was faster, stronger and more agile beyond a naturally born human's capabilities.
Disaster ensured after one of his trusted colleagues snitched him to the heads of the company and was hunted but managed to escape the facility proving that his creation is indeed stronger and faster than what any human can imagine, now on the run and scared, John hides in a seemingly abandoned house where he encounters a homeless person trying to find shelter for the night but John being scared and adrenaline running through is cold metal synthetic veins he strikes down the man severing his right lower arm with just one strike leaving him bleeding to death, John runs away and in the morning the police discovers the body.
Hunted by the police and ExHumanica's security forces, he knows he must lay low in a vacation home he has in the woods, away from everyone that is hunting him.
Having lost his pursuers, John quickly notes down how he managed the whole operation, sometime passes and he wants to do it again but must get the resources and most importantly a human test subject he knows he can achieve this quickly with his enhanced new body and comes up with a horrific plan.
With his plans carried out successfully he began crafting the vessel body night and day without stop as his new body allowed him to go weeks without sleep, he now succeeded in transferring the human's mind and personality into the new vessel body.
Days pass and the test subject wakes up with an unnatural scream of despair and confusion, the screaming lasted for several minutes and what followed was not what John had planned, the test subject manically started to claw and tear at their vessel body, ripping out important components such as the "emotion regulator sensor module" which lead the subject going into a feral rage and knocked John to the ground and ran for the door.

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