Loves More Than a Title

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"TYWER!" I heard my little brother yell from his room. He's 4 and Im 19 and we've been living in a small apartment sence I was 16 when our parents abandon us. I put my blond hair in a ponytail and walked to his small room. "What's wrong Jace?" I asked him softly sitting .down on his red race car bed. "Can, can I have cookie before sleepyland?" he asked me smiling with his little teeth showing. "Yes, let me go get one" I told him. "Otay" he said and I laughed. I went to the kitchen and got him a soft cookie. Once in his room again I gave him the cookie. He shoved the cookie in his mouth saying "Thank Cooo." I love how it sounded when he talked because he didn't say words right. "Your welcome" I said rubbing his smooth brown hair and pulled the covers up on him. "Goodnight Tywer" he said snuggling under the covers. "Goodnight Jace. Don't let the bed bugs bite" he smiled as I left the room closing the door behind me.


When I got back in my room I sat on the bed thinking of what to do. I got up and looked in the mirror at myself. My full blond hair in a ponytail and my blue eyes stared back at me. I stood for a little while longer then went to the kitchen. I looked around, it was a mess. So I started with the dishes. After I washed the dishes I wiped down the table and Jace's high chair then vaccumed. I felt dirty so I went to take a shower. The shower was hot. I just stood there letting the water pour all over my body and my hair. When I got out I picked up my iPhone and got a text from my boyfriend Alex. It said he was on the way. I replyed "ok c ya soon." After I got dressed I went to the kitchen and warmed up some hot chocolate and went to sit on the couch when I heard a knock at the door. I put my drink down on the table in front of the tv and went to the door. I stood on my tippy-toes and looked out the peep hole, it was Alex.


I opened the door smiling. "Hi stranger, your kinda cute are you single?" We laughed and he kissed me as he walked in. I walked to the living room, turned on the tv and plopped down on the couch. Alex walked over to the couch and plopped down, putting his arm around my shoulder. I smiled and said "You never answered my question...are you single?" He laughed and replyed "No I have a beautiful fiance" he said smiling. I looked at him and said "I hope to be your fiance later in life" He looked at me got on one knee and said "Why not sooner then later?" I jumped up. As he said "Tyler will you be my wife til' we die?" I managed to say yes through the tears and excitement. Alex and I have been together since 6th grade. So we had time to get used to each other. He put the large ring on my finger and we sat back on the couch closer then we were before. "I can't believe were getting married." I said quietly minding Jace was in the other room sleeping. "I know right." he said pulling me closer to him. I cuddle close as I stared at the ring. "I can only stay for like 5 more minutes because I gotta get going" I smirked and said "ok" quietly. The last 5 minutes we were quiet I think we were both imagining what our next step is.


It was finally time for Alex to leave as we got up and headed for the door I said "Maybe you should consider moving in here." Alex looked at me in shock. "Really? Normally it's the other way around you move in MY apartment." I looked at him kinda waiting for his next comment. "You and Jace should move in with me." I smiled. "Ok deal, we already started the moving process because we were ready gonna move in 3 weeks the landlord said all we have to do is get our stuff out" I said grinning hard. "Ok, then I'll be by tomorrow to help get your don't really need to put ur stuff in boxes right" he said looking hopeful. "No not really except the kitchen stuff" I replyed. "Alright looks like your moving tomorrow!" I laughed, kissed him then shut the door smiling hard.


The rest of the night I spent folding blankets up, clearing out my room and Jaces room quietly and putting dishes in boxes. Once I finished I layed in my now empty room, smiled again as I thought to myself I never drank my hot chocolate and drifted of to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2014 ⏰

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