Chapter 1: The Girl

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Author's Note

Hey guys! This is my first story, so go easy on the comments.

Anyway, you probably won't be reading this story right now, seeing as it is my first and I'm not well known around here. But whoever will be reading, just know I'm deeply grateful.

And another thing, the setting isn't specific. Since I'm form the Philippines, some stuff would be from here, and others would be American-like 'cause I read and watch too much of it.

Anywho, have fun! Hope you enjoy.

P.S.: Add and follow me :)

Instagram, Twitter, Kik: notsobadassyas

Snapchat: teendreamer18


"The world is not a wish-granting factory."

This, by far, is my favorite quote from John Green's (insert positive adjective here) book, The Fault In Our Stars. Even though I believe this to be true, I still wish. I wish for things to be different. I wish my Dad didn't cheat on my Mom. I wish I wasn't what I was in school. I, Jasmine Margo Cruz, still wish. I still wish because of that tiny spark of hope that maybe, just maybe, it could happen.

Don't get me wrong. I love my life. There are just certain things I'd like to change. I'm at my 4th year of high school at Pines City High School. I have two amazing friends, Sophie Campbell and Allison Newman, who are the best. We're part of the popular crowd in school. I'm not the bitchy, I'm-better-than-all-of-you-so-follow-me kind of popular girl., bit the she's-nice-and-won-awards kind. However, that doesn't stop people from thinking otherwise.

My parents are still together, but ever since Mom caught Dad with his secretary's sister (not so cliché, eh?), things have been different. Like there's this gap they see but don't bother with it. They just pretend that's everything's fine and dandy. Why don't they just get a divorce? Same reason as 50% of unhappy couples-kids. They love Cody and me to death, and I know there's still a spark between them, it just needs to explode! I mean, what kind of teenage girl would want a broken family?

Another thing I'd like to change is my social status in school. Okay, I'm a popular girl, but stereotypes peg me as a bitch. I'm not allowed to talk to anyone outside my "circle". They think that if I associate myself with "outsiders", I'll lose me "class". But the sad thing is I believe them. I want to be nice and talk to other people, but I don't because my rep will shatter. I wanna be, but don't wanna be. Make sense?

And those were the thoughts swimming through my mind one Saturday morning while I was helping my Mom cook breakfast.

See, every Saturday, we have a "family breakfast" so we can "bond closer as a family". She believes this would help their marriage. We talk and talk and talk. Just talk about anything, and I actually enjoy it. it reminds me of times before the cheating.

Now, I wasn't just thinking about my status in school just for the fun of it. I was wondering if I wasn't me, would Drew like me?

'Who is Drew', you may ask.

Well, Drew is one of the smartest kids in school. And he is also bullied, 'cause well, he's a nerd. I know, I know- how can one of the popular girls like a nerd? Well, like me, Drew isn't a stereotypical nerd. He is not the type of nerd who spends his type figuring out how ants poo. No. He dresses like a normal teen-mostly jeans and hoodies. He does wear classes though. They only magnify his eyes that are so gray, at one glance, the seem blue.

You think 'cause I'm popular in school, I can get anything and anyone I want? Wrong. As I said, I care about my reputation and crushing on a nerd doesn't really help me. Besides, I don't think Drew would like me. He might think I'm one of "those" girls.

"Jasmine!" hearing my Mom's voice brings me back to the scolding pan in front of me which holds the sizzling, glorious bacon.

"Huh? What?" is all I can say as I snap back to reality.

"Honey, the bacon's gonna burn. What are you thinking about anyway?"

"Nothing," I say shaking my head.

"Yeah, right. Is it Drew again?" she gives me a smug look.

All I did was blush. And that gave it away.

And yes, I my open to my mother. I'm not like most teenage girls who fight non-stop with their mom. Yeah, we have our off moments, but I trust her and she trusts me.

"Honey, I don't understand why you can't just suck it up and say 'Hi' to the nice boy. He just lives right across the street."

"Mom, I already told you," I whined.

"Because people will laugh? I didn't raise you to be someone who cares so much about what people think," she gave a disapproving look.


She cut me off before I can explain. "People's opinions are important. They can help you improve. I just wish you wouldn't let them control your life."

That got me thinking. So what if I talked to a nerd? It's just talking.

Then images flooded my mind, images of people pointing, laughing, teasing, judging. Ugh! Why must I go through this?

"Good morning!" my Dad's voice boomed, releasing me from my thoughts. He kissed me on the head and gave Mom a peck on the cheek. I don't know if he's faking it in front of me or really did want to kiss her. I just want them to be okay. I mean, what teen would want their parents to split?

She just smiled at him. I could see something in her eyes as she looked at him. Hope?

"What's for breakfast?" he asked, unsuccessfully trying to pick a piece of bacon from the plate where the cooked bacon is waiting to be devoured.

Mom swatted his hand away. "Not until everyone is here," she gave him a stern look that made him back away and sit on a stool in front of us.

Moments later, Cody, my younger brother, walked in. He's three years younger than me, but went to school a year early for kids his age. So he's a sophomore in the same school as me. We're the type of siblings that would get along great, tell secrets, stories, joke around. But then we fight. Normal brother-sister stuff.

"Finally! I'm starving," Dad said as he threw his hands in the air.

I just smiled, silently agreeing.

"Good morning to you, too," Cody mocked.

We all just ate and carried on with our Saturday routine.


"Good morning, Jasmine! Your Mom home?" Mrs. Julie Jacobsen's voice hit me whil I was taking out the trash. She's Drew's mom. Our families have been good friends for a really long time. But I haven't said more than five words to Drew.

"Good morning, Mrs. Jacobsen! Yeah, she's inside. Please come in," I ushered her into the house, but not before I saw him take out their trash. We looked at each other for about 5 seconds before he broke it and went back inside their house.

I knew it.

He's just like the rest of them.


Sooooooooo? What'd you guys think? Leave your thoughts :)

And as you have noticed, I cast you as Jasmine. You're welcome :) I didn't want anyone specific to be paired with Dylan.

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