Chapter 2: The Boy

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Drew's POV

The moment I stepped out to take out the trash, I felt breathless. I saw Jasmine Cruz doing the exact same thing while talking to my Mom. Cheesy, as it may sound, she really did take my breath away. God, she's beautiful. When my Mom disappeared through their front door, there was a moment when our eyes met. She had the most beautiful black eyes ever. I wonder what it would be like to actually talk to her. I quickly looked away, realizing what a joke that is. She's popular. I'm a nerd. She'd never give me a chance. I dismissed the idea and she headed inside to watch the Big Bang Theory.

Despite all the negative comments people say about her, she's a bitch, she's too full of herself, shit like that, I can't help but fell that they're wrong. I can feel that she's none of those things.


About 20 minutes into the show, I felt my phone buzz. Carl texted me that he was coming over.

He's my best friend. He moved here when he was 8, and we became best friends ever since. We shared the love for Star Wars, science and other stuff. One friend was a big step for me. After being dubbed socially awkward and unfit to society's description of cool, having Carl as a friend saved me from drowning in loneliness. You can guess why I don't fit in, no one in high school really likes a guy who'd rather stay at home to read a good book than watch the basketball game. We aren't the kinds of nerds who spend their time balancing chemical equations and have math games. We certainly have the ability-a lot of it, if I may add. But we don't take much joy in doing it. We aren't that hopeless.

The ding dong of the door bell got me to grunt and get up from the comfortable position I was in the sofa. I headed toward the door, knowing Carl would be outside.

But that thought flew out the door when I saw Jasmine standing on my porch holding a box of roses.

As a result of my shock, I didn't realize that we were standing for quite a while without saying anything. I didn't invite her in. Minus points for me.

"Hey," I said as soon as I realized it was getting pretty awkward.

"Hey," she replied.

"Uhm, wanna come in?' I stepped aside to give way.

"Oh, no thanks. My Mom just wanted me to give you these. It's for the fancy banquet she's hosting tomorrow. They went out so she told me to give them to you. Apparently, your Mom's in charge of the decorations."

"Oh, okay. Thanks," I just noticed her eyes weren't black. They were brown. So brown they seemed black. You could only notice that if you were looking directly at her (which I didn't mind, really).

She handed me the box and right at that moment, Carl pulled up at our drive way on his bike. Oh no. Please no. Do not do anything to embarrass me even more.

"Hey! Drewster!" he bellowed.

Too late.

Jasmine looked back and Carl nodded to show recognition.

It's about to go down. The cool things he said were so "cool", middle aged dad's would be put to shame.

"Jazazeeeeeey! Wanna hang with the Drewster and me? We were planning on catching up on the haps at school then we gon' chill while watching the true shiz, Star Wars," he was practically wrting both our death sentences.mine is dying of embarrassment and him being murdered by me.

I mentally gave myself a face plam and him a punch in the throat. I could feel the nerves radiating from Jasmine when she said, "Uhh, no thanks. You two have fun though," she turned to me and said, "Gotta go. Bye," she smiled and she couldn't get away fast enough. And just like that she was gone.

I smacked Carl on the back of his head, "Ow! What was that for?!"

I gave him a what-the-fuck?! look.

"I was being cool, " he defended.

I can see why we were the only friends we could have. I scoffed and headed back in the living room.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2015 ⏰

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