Act 1

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𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔫𝔢𝔪𝔶
(The Enemy)

𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗

"Persaphone what may the answer be" Mrs. Seymore spoke up asking the black haired girl. She looked up everyones attention was on the girl "oh uhm two square?" She guessed."That would be right, miss noon, " the girl lighted up."If we were in math class, pay attention next time," the older woman turned around.

"I'm not surprised if you sucked at reading as well noon," Wyatt snickered, causing the girl to glare at the boy

Ah, yes, the teenagers that hated each others guts. Why, you may ask, I don't even know the full story either.

If you think this is an enemies to lovers story, you guessed right, so ladies and gentle men, please sit down and read.

𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖊𝖕𝖍𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖕𝖔𝖛
I glared at the boy across from me. "Wyatt wyatt, aren't you tired of staring at me and observing me?" I looked at the now blushing boy "please how can I when your pencil constantly hits the desk it annoying if you ask me. " "You're annoying. " I scoff

"OK guys, we will be having a partner project." Everyone stood up and started picking their partners, "no no no I already have the list, so one at a time, come see who you got. " Mrs. Seymore spoke up. I rolled my eyes. I stood up, wyatt following behind me.

I look at the list, "What this can't be?" I whisper under my breath, "we can't work together, " Wyatt said."For once, we agree on something." I blurt out

We walked to the teacher, but before we could say something, she spoke up, "I already know what you're gonna say. The answer is no, you are partners whether you like it or not." We looked at each other and scoffed.

The bell rang, and I got my bag heading out the door. "We will meet at my house," Wyatt said, handing me a note with his address.

I headed to my volleyball practice ready to end the day of this school day. I have always loved volleyball since I was a kid.
I had to stay after school to practice, so I might be late to wyatts house.

I was finally done with practice. I would have been to wyatts sooner if I didn't shower, but I needed to, so you can't blame me.

I drove to his house, seeing it was a pretty big home. Wow, Walker had a house all right.

I walked to the front door and knocked.
"You know what time it is," Wyatt said, pretty annoyed. "Calm down, mom, I'm here," I laughed he didn't find it funny he glared at me.

I was getting annoyed "look I had practice" I defended myself "you could have canceled" he yelled "I can't I have a game tomorrow I can't cancel it important" I yelled back crossing my arms "please like its that important" he laughed "try being in my shoes you wouldn't survive." I scoffed."Oh, please try me it's not like it would be hard." He glared

Everything got dark minutes later, the light adjusted

"Why am I on the floor?" I heard wyatt ask next to me

"Did I forget deodorant? I smell like a dude." I finally spoke up

And why does my thumb taste like athletic tape and dirt?" Wyatt just complained like always. I rolled my eyes

"What the what? Wait, who painted my fingernails?" I finally looked at my hands and felt my face. This was not me. I looked at Wyatt

"You... you stole my face!" I yelled out

"No, you stole my whole body!" He yelled back."How is that even possible? I crossed my arms

"How'd you get inside?" We both asked at the same time

"This is like a nightmare!I feel so grimy" I hate this so much

"Slap me," I spoke up after minutes of panicking, "and I'll slap you," I just nodded at wyatt

"And we'll see if we can slap each other back to reality!" I looked at him hoping it would work

"Ok. Go" I got my hand ready and we slapped each other



"Oh, sorry! Boy hands" I laughed at the red mark

"What exactly were we doing right before this..." I asked

"We were arguing!" Wyatt started walking around

"try being in my shoes you wouldn't survive." I repeated

"Oh, please try me it's not like it would be hard." He repeated right after me

"We did this!" I rubbed my head

"No! No! It's just a stupid argument" I denied it it was just a bad dream.

"We gotta fake being each other" Wyatt spoke up I looked at him he then looked around like he was about to puke.

"I think you might need glasses for your eyeballs, I'm getting vertigo. I think I'm gonna puke." He closed his eyes for a moment.

"No puking in my body! Ugh, how do you carry yourself in theses feet" I got up and started walking around

"Ok you have to stay over you can't just leave with my body" Wyatt pointed at me "ok my mom won't be at home tonight so I don't have to call her till morning"

"Oh hey persaphone your still here" Mrs walker spoke up looking at wyatt.

"Oh yeah uhm yeah we are fine no promblem" he stuttered she looked at him and nodded "ok" and she left

"What was that" I punched his shoulder

"I just, I'm not used to being a girl, ok? I choked!"

"Where's the "we're gonna have to fake it" guy? I mean, she's your mom and we're... going through a thing right now" I crossed my arms

"and you can't make things worse! Ok, just don't lose it! Cause nothing would make things
worse for me than my father or anyone else seeing my body blubbering and crying"

"Sorry if I have real emotions, ok?" I rolled my eyes

"Shh! Come on, this way!" He lead me to his room

Yes I updated it short but better 😌
Anyways, thank you for reading

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