Chapter 4

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As they sat on both ends of the table the intervie gave out a warm smile before proceeding to ask questions

" Hi good noon did i keep you waiting? "

" no, no it's all good i just arrived not long ago "

" that's good to hear, Shall we start? "

Pon gave out an agreing smile as he placed his folder at slid it to the other man's side who then reached out for it to ake his resume out, He scanned and read trhough the stapled paper

"Hmm, you've got a nice resume so i'm thningking this is your first rodeo?"

"Not really sir, i used to word at a fast food place"

"Oh that's good then" The man said as he settled the paper down and looked at the boy before him

"So you are currently 23, Correct?"

"Yes Sir"

" what do you study? "

"I study engineering sir ADME-V (Automotive Design and Manufacturing, and Electric Vehicle Engineering)"

"So you can work on cars?"

"Yes sir"

The man then smiled and nodded at the new profound information

"So have you ever really worked on a café before?"

"Not really Sir....but i'm a fast learning i guarantee you" pon said trying to give out a positive outcome

"Hmm...Well you are determined and does seem to be a fast learner, Welcome Jeff to the café, I'm Alan, no need to be too professional just call me Sai" Alan stood up as he reached his hand out to pon, Pon smiled as also stood up and reached for the handshake...

In the meer second the touch most likely made time Stop for both of them it's like the worlds written story has been done to it's plot and their story now lies within their desire for eachother....

"Thank you so much P'Sai, Thank you, Thank you" pon thanked over and over again

"You can start tomorrow afternoon shift i'll teach you" Sai stated as he looked at the warm smiling lad infront of him who then nodded in agreement

Pon arrived home excited as he ran to his brothers room to tell the good news

"P'!!!!!!" He shouted as he oppened the door being met with his brothers shcoked face being pinned down by some man he swore is so familliar but he can't quite unravel who he is, he then pulled the door shocked by what the hell he just discovered


"I, well, you know, umm" the boy stuttered out and can't seem to find his words

"Im your brother's boyfriend" the guy said unbothered earning a slap to the shoulder by pooh

"Yeah tell me like im not aware anymore, but really?? You haven't heard of a lock and let me walk into whatever you were planning to do?!" Pon babbled out looking piercingly at his brother who nervously chuckled

"And where have i met you before you are oddly familliar?" Pon looked back to the other guy

"Im Babe, or since you're my brother-in-law call me Pavel, yet ahain earning a sharp glare from the other lad, You know if looks can kill Pavel would've died already.

Caramel Macchiatto (Alanjeff)Where stories live. Discover now