🍬2. Stumped in Love- P1

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*Shubman's POV*

It was about midnight. I wasn't proud of my score today. Not even a 50. The memories, the mistake, it just doesn't seem to leave my mind.
Switched my shirt, picking up my gear and going back towards the practice ground.

Setting up the bowling machine, I took my bat, hitting the ball absent-mindedly. Boundaries, and then running back to get them.
The ground was silent, just my bat hitting the ball with a smack, angrier each time.

After about an hour, I stopped to take a short break. Grabbed my bottle and drank it in a single breath.
I decided I'll need more soon, so I went back to the hotel for a refill.

I reached the reception desk, asking where I could find a water tap.
"Hi. Can you please tell me where I can find a water tap?"
"You can please wait in your room, we'll send some water bottles to you" The receptionist guy said.
"Oh, no, it's okay. I am currently practicing, so I actually needed a refill."
"Of course. I'll bring that to you, sir" He said, still not looking at me.
I wasn't exactly able to read his name tag too as he was busy arranging some important files.

I went back to the ground, picking up my bat, ready to hit some boundaries again.
First ball, bowled.
Second ball, duck again.
Third ball, frustrated, I hit it with all my power, mixed with some of my anger.

"Ouch" I heard someone scream. My face turned pale in horror. I looked behind, finding the same guy I spoke to at the reception desk.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry..." I kept on apologizing, embarrassed and feeling bad for that boy.
"Where does it hurt?... Ishan?" I asked, finally being able to read his name.
"No it's alr-"
"No it's not alright... Come with me to my room, please. I want to make that better. I'm really sorry"
He followed me to my room.
"Now tell me please, Ishan, where does it hurt?"
He rolled his off-white sleeve up to his shoulder, revealing his scratched skin hinting of blood.
My heart dropped at the sight.

"I'm sorry, Ishan, I'll get my first aid kit."
I fetched the kit from my bag, facing him again.
"May I?"
"Yes, Shubman"
"So you do know me." He blushed, his head hung low, trying to hide it. I smiled, still feeling bad for him.

"Forgive me for this, little one, but it's going to hurt a bit" I wiped his wound with some Dettol, his blood staining the white wipe a little.
He winced at that, whimpering.
"I'm sorry, Ishan."
"It's alright, Shubman. I know it wasnt intentional. It's alright"
"I was just angry. All I wanted to was score better today, it wasn't good, not at all"
"I think you played well, Shubman"
"Why? I didn't even score a 50, Ishan"
"But your contribution to the team mattered... I loved the way you played"
"You did?"
"Of course. All your boundaries were awesome."
"Thanks, Ishan"
"You'll always have my support, Shubman. Not just me, but people all over India"
I smiled at him, softly tying the white bandage around his right bicep.
"There" I kissed it. "Tell me, Ishan, how old are you?" I asked as I slowly rolled his shirt down.
"How come you ended up in this job?"
"Left my school a little too soon. It pays surprisingly well enough for me to have a better than average life."
"Oh, that's great."
"Why don't you continue your practice, I'm just wasting your time, probab-"
"No! No you aren't! I'd- uh, why don't you join me for some more time?"
"For your practice?"
"We can just play a bit... If your hand feels better, of course."
"It's no worries, I told you. And who am I to turn down my favourite's request" I laughed at his comment.
"Here, wear this." I held out the jersey I was wearing to him. He didn't reply, his face froze in shock.
"I- uh- what?"
I laughed loudly seeing how his face was now redder than a fucking tomato.
"Wear this. Keep it." I said.
"Really?" I nodded. "Thank you!.. but what about you?"
"Oh I have a spare one already"

We both put on my jerseys, moving to the ground. "Let's test you, Ishan. You get to bat first"
"Bring it on" he said, challenging me.
"Ah! Lefty, I see. I can already sense this would be fun"

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