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rottmnt x charlie morningstar!reader. this is not my best work sorry :(( ugh. i had an idea then scrapped it, got upset, and settled for this. this is all i got in me now bro. but i might make a hazbin hotel x reader because adam is my husband now.

requested by @AnimeLoverirl111 !!!


"did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" MF WILL LITERALLY USE THIS PICK UP LINE IDC. I'M SO RIGHT. yeah. will make fun of your little black bowtie and black suspenders. it's out of love, really. it's just—he thinks it's a little, just a little funny how formal you dress all the time. but, if you ever seem uncomfortable with any of his jokes, he'll stop! otherwise he'll throw jokes around like darts to hear you laugh. he just loves your laugh! God, it's so cute! uses petnames like cutie and other ungodly names even before romantic feelings develop. and he may back off a little when he realizes he is starting to catch feelings. everything has gotten real. he's suddenly very aware, and it's a little scary. it's a little scary when you catch him looking at the pink of your cheeks a little too long. scary how close you are right now, how he could literally hold your hand if he could just...your fingertips curl around his and he thinks...maybe, maybe it's not all that scary after all.


optimism isn't really his thing, so he may be peeved by your overly positive nature at first. but i don't think he likes anyone much at first, so don't take it personal. he won't exactly shut down your ideas, but he is an realist. and your idea of betterment and eventual redemption for sinners is quite... scoff. unrealistic. but you really are genuinely upset at the harm of people, aren't you? you have a strong heart. despite many, many doubts, you don't give up on that silly idea. that silly idea that others deem utterly stupid but you keep to it. that's... something donnie may or may not relate to as a man of science. slowly he may realize that and warm up to the idea. perhaps he'll even make a few inventions that could help you. it's just a reason to show off his superior intellect, of course. nothing more, nothing more... (denial is a river in egypt)


he is very cautions of you at first. he noticed your few animal-like traits and features such as fangs and red-toed hooves and thought you of a mutant at first. until you hit him with an absolute bomb that you were a demon??? the princess of hell at that??? might freak the guy out a little, but he's cool with you once you get to know each other. he admires how determined and compassionate you are. loves when you are brimming with excitement as you story about the hotel. how your eyes light up. he notices a lot of your habits, when you're happy, when you're sad, when you're nervous. he avoids what upsets you and strives for what makes you smile because, damn. that smile is sweet, it really is. you're sweet. and he totally likes to compare your hand sizes a lot. calls you princess and/or doll and ect. oh, dreamy sigh. he's such a gentleman....


i just KNOW this sweet boy would be calling you the cutest nicknames ever based off your likes and your appearance ect... you've heard of the hunger games. this is like that but like. with compliments. oh my God, ya'll always be complimenting each other like. "ooh, so pretty!" this, "aww, mikey you look so pretty" that and so on. you both are imaginative, and he love love loves your hopeful nature! you see the good in everyone, that is a very beautiful trait, miss morningstar. you were good friends before you were good lovers. the kind of friend who really, really understand each other. he of course offered to create some art for your hotel! and he likes to draw you a lot. loves the angles of your face. jawline, cheekbones. oh, how things sharpen. he loves each little color of red that sprinkles into your iris. oh, so, so beautiful. is anyone else swooning?


alike raphael, she may be suspicious of you at first. expect lots of questions! but april is a girl who easily matches energy with people she likes. and you both have a very strong sense of justice. her's is more physical however. you fit each other quite nicely, actually. you feel from the heart, not much of a fighter, are you? of course you'll still throw hands, if you have too. but now you have your ride or die girly with you! once again, best friends to lovers. successful sapphic crushes. (wish i could relate) like something straight out of a wlw fanfic. starts with late night calls. hanging out almost everyday, until april feels strangely nervous about today's day out with you? will you like her outfit? what about her hair, and—then one night y'all have a sleepover. one thing leads to another. and. girlfriends!!!!

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