Chapter 4-Nicknames

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     You slowly opened your eyes to hear your phone ringing.  You had no idea what time it was but you still picked up the phone.
     "Hello?"  You said in your groggy morning tone.  Your voice was surprisingly deeper.
     "Y/n, where are you?!?!"  You heard from the other side.
     "Who is this???"  You asked confused.  You haven't checked who it was.
     "It's Lizzy, now get down here!!!  You are gonna be late!!!"  You heard Lizzy shout from the other side of the phone.  You checked your bedside clock and it was almost 7:00AM.  You quickly ran to the bathroom to brush your teeth.
     "Lizzy tell boss I accidentally forgot to set my alarm and I'm on my way now!"  You told her from the bathroom adding toothpaste to your toothbrush.
     "Ok, What do I tell Sun and Moon because they also asked?"
     "Tell them the same thing!"  You shouted at her.
     "Got it, see ya soon."  Lizzy said.
     "Bye."  You quickly hung up the phone.  After you finished brushing your teeth, you ran to your closet and grabbed your new work uniform.  The top part was half yellow with suns on it, and the other half was blue with moons on it.  The pants were the same just on opposite sides.  There also was a white corset to go along with the outfit.  You quickly put it on, your corset almost broke every bone in your body, but it was fine.  You ran to the bathroom again to brush your hair(if you have hair).  You then ran to the front door, grabbing your phone, keys, and essentials, and put them into your bag.  You then ran out the door, and to your car.  You hopped in the drivers seat, turned your car on.  And sped down the highway towards the Pizza Plex.

Time Skip

     You burst through the front doors of the front doors of the Pizza Plex.
     "Your late Y/n."  Said your boss at the front of the doors holding his phone.
     "Yeah I know boss, I'm sorry I had forgotten to set my alarm, I promise it won't happen again!"  You said out of breath, as you had sprinted through the parking lot with all your things.
     "I doubt that, but just get to the daycare.  Sun and Moon are about to tear the place apart."  He said pointing towards the daycare entrance.  You nodded, and then sprinted towards the daycare. As you approached the daycare, you fixed your outfit, as it had gotten a little messy from all the running, but once you did that, you slowly opened the big wooden doors. You stepped inside quietly and shut the door as softly as you could, when all of a sudden you heard two loud thunks from behind you. Shit.... You thought to yourself. You slowly turned around just to be pinned to the wall by Moon.
"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?!!?" He asked. You blushed slightly as he had put his face really close to yours. You looked up to see Sun standing above him with his arms crossed, looking like was upset.
"LANGUAGE MOON!!" He yelled as he faced away from you.
"Sorry..." Moon quickly answered. "But still, WHERE THE HECK WERE YOU?!?!" Moon yelled in your face, as he somehow got closer to your face without touching it.
"I-I J-JUST FORGOT T-TO SET MY A-ALARM!!" You answered quickly. You were stuttering because you were almost scared of them.
"Okay...BUT DONT DO THAT AGAIN!!!" Moon ordered as he let go of your arms.
"Okay I'm sorry you two." You said grabbing your bag from off the ground as you had dropped it. "Geez, why do you guys care so much?" You almost whispered.  They just so happened to hear you, and they both turned to stare at you.  A slight blush slowly appeared on their face.  "What?"  You asked as you noticed them staring at you.
     "We were just worried about you...". Moon said crossing his arms.
     "Oh, well that's sweet.  Thank you for worrying, and I didn't mean to worry you guys."  You said as you put your stuff down on the front desk and walked towards them.  You suddenly hugged them both from the waist.  "I'm okay, you don't need to worry any more."  You assured them.  They both looked down at you, and then at each other.  A slight blush crept on their faces.  (Ok listen, things said in between /this/ is Sun and Moon talking to each other in sign language).  /Moon:You thinking what I'm thinking?/ /Sun:yeah.../ /Moon:Should we tell them?/ /Sun:Not yet, at least not now./ /Moon:Okay, I won't say anything.../.  You looked up at them.
     "Okay Starlight, than-". Moon suddenly covered his mouth. Shit...he thought.  A slight blush came to tour face.
     "Did you just call me Starlight?"  You asked.  Moon slightly nodded.  Sun was giggling behind Moon.
     "DONT LAUGH AT ME!!"  Moon snapped around at Sun.  But that didn't do any good.  He just started laughing even more.  Suddenly you started giggling too.  Moon snapped to face you.  His face almost as red as a tomato.   "Not you too."  He whined, drooping downwards.
     "What?"  You asked.  "I thought it was cute."  You said.  You started full on laughing.  While Moon was blushing even harder.  Sun patted Moon on the shoulder.  /Sun:I mean at least they thought it was cute./ /Moon:Oh be quite./.  Moon crossed his arms and faced away from the both of you.
     "Oh come on Moon, it's not that bad, I kinda liked it."  You said.  "How about this, we all give each other nicknames.  I'll call you Moony, and then Sun, I can call him Sunny!"  You said excitedly.
     "Really clever."  Moon said over his shoulder.
     "Oh okay, how about I call you Y/n...hmm...". Sun thought, "Oh how about I call you  Sunflower?"  He suggested.
     "I love that."  You said, as you walked around Moon to go and face him.  "Come on Moony, I know you can't ignore me forever."  You said, almost taunting him.  He sighed.
     "Yeah...I know...". He said.

Hello my little aliens.  I know I haven't posted in a while.  I've been busy with school a lot recently.  And I recently just got in a new relationship.  But besides that, I'll try my best to keep posting. Love ya my little Aliens.👽❤️

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