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               Hannah's Apartment

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      Hannah's Apartment

Hannah : -walks in- Oh Marcel!!!

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Hannah : -walks in- Oh Marcel!!!

I gave him a big hug the moment I saw him.

Hannah : I was worried....

I had not seen him at all this week. I hadn't gotten a chance to talk to him either. He's been up and down with the war.

Hannah : Come in! Would you like some coffee?
Marcel : S'il-vous-plaît? (Please?)
Hannah : Of course! But tell me. How's everything going?
Marcel : He did manage to do some damage but nothing too bad. Everything is under control. He lost most of his people. We've won battles but the war isn't over yet. He left France and is back in Spain but I know he'll come back reenforced to attack.
Hannah : How's Charlotte?
Marcel : She's safe!
Hannah : Oh that's amazing. Pablo broke the alliance with me.
Marcel : Why?
Hannah : He found out I lended you my jet to fly Charlotte to Scotland.
Marcel : Oh shit Hannah. He's going to get back at you for that.
Hannah : Maybe but he won't kill me. That I can assure you.
Marcel : ...
Hannah : Are you okay?
Marcel : I've barely slept this week. It's been nothing but fighting and shooting.
Hannah : I know it's very tiring.
Marcel : At least things are calm for now. However, we won't fall asleep. We'll have our eyes open 24/7 because we know he'll come back.
Hannah : More powerful....
Marcel : Exactly....


Hannah : I have no idea who that could be. -opens door- What are you doing here?!
Amy : -walks in- Oh would you look at that.
Marcel : Bonjour....
Amy : Marcel Durand Lavat....
Marcel : Oui....
Amy : I can't believe you're comfortable with him.
Hannah : I told you what happened isn't our fault.
Amy : Not even because he's the son of your father's killer?
Hannah : ......
Amy : You didn't tell her?
Marcel : I- I didn't know....
Amy : His father, Joel Durand, killed your father.
Hannah : ....
Marcel : I think the message is clear ma'am.

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