Kindness Bites Back part 1

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Jessica Giles is the girl who has everything or at least that what people said. Her father Bill is the founder of a Fortune 500 company while her mother Merinda is a famous feminist. Raised by the two amazing persons, Jessica has become an extremely kind but somewhat naive girl. In fact, kindness is the one quality that Jessica is particularly proud of as she wants to become a philanthropist just like her parents. Little did she know, in one fateful morning, that kindness she was proud of will turn her world upside down.

"Good morning sweetie, woke up early today?" Her father Bill said as he walked through the kitchen door after his morning run. He turned forty five this year but still maintained those hunky features from his youth.

"Have to leave earlier dad, the new bus stop is at the other side of the hill," Jessica replied. The school changed their bus route this year, which was no longer stop nearby her hill mansion.

"Sweetie, why don't you let dad give you a ride?" Her mom said. Merinda was a bit overweight woman in her forty. Despite being a billionaire's wife, she still did household chores to build a close-knit 'normal' family atmosphere.

"Can't mom, my friends may find out." Jessica said. Unlike other rich kids of her age, she wanted to enjoy a normal high school life, which was the reason she had been trying to hide her identity for years.

"But I'm worried sweetie. Someone posted on Facebook about a sex cult at the other side of the hill" Merinda said.

"Don't worry honey, my friend Mark confirmed that was fake news. Besides, a little morning walk is always good for our angel" Bill cut in. His wife was always a bit dramatic.

"I have to go, see you at night mom, dad!" Her alarm went off. Jessica quickly grabbed her backpack and left.

While Jessica was fast running to the bus station, her eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of someone in the sideway bush.

"" a fainted voice reached Jessica.

Jessica stopped immediately. Few seconds later, she found a beautiful naked girl trapped in the bush.

"Help..." the girl tried to touch Jessica's hands.

Jessica quickly held the girl's hand. What on earth had happened to this poor beautiful girl? She felt so much sadness just by looking at small cuts all over the girl's beautiful body.

Jessica immediately called her father. A few minutes later, Bill arrived, shockingly looked at the scene before his eyes.

"What happened Jessie?" Bill asked.

"I don't know, I just found her lying in the bush. She seems really hurt dad!" Jessica said.

Without further ado, Bill carefully carried the poor girl to the car in his strong arms. The girl E-cup boobs softly touched his chest and her sweet floral scent filled up his nose. Bill blushed a bit, it had been years since he was this close to a young girl.

The three then drove to a private hospital nearby, owned by Bill's corporation. The girl was admitted to a special care room while Jessica and Bill left for school and work respectively.

Jessica came back to the hospital right after class. She sat by the still unconscious girl. The girl's face had been washed allowing Jessica to admire her beauty. She seems to be the same age as Jessica. This girl's face was a younger and hotter version of Megan Fox while her body rivalled that of Victoria Secret models.

Few moments later, the girl woke up to the happy face of Jessica. She seemed a bit lost like a small animal, which kicked in Jessica's mother instinct.

"Hi, I'm Jessica. How do you feel?" Jessica friendly asked.

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