The Living Burden

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Benjamin was sitting in his chair at school with his head on his arms laying on the desk until his desk was flipped and then he realised that the schools most popular or who he called cool wannabes but to him he was a bully named Cooper Swrinken the schools most dumbest kid in Benjamins opinon.

Cooper: oi fucking book worm where's my fucking homework *holding his fist together*

Benjamin: I told you i didn't do it cause you need to learn *he said while trying to stand his ground*


Benjamin: isn't that how a conversation happens?

Cooper: SHUT UP!

???1: nah jit tripping man

???2: bro really stupid

???3: Bro ruined his whole career what jit gonna say now?


Benjamin: i said not completed

Cooper: oh you've done it this time *raises fist*

Benjamin: yippee a punch

Teacher: Cooper please see me after class

Cooper: WHAT!?

Teacher: you heard me young man

Cooper: fine

and soon the bell rang and most kids went home and cooper and the teachers talk were skipping cause why not? but he did get suspended cause something about 5th strike against rules so yea boring stuff but now to our best homie Benjamin!

Benjamin never had caring family members or friends they all hated him due to him being the living burden. The reason he's called that is cause trouble follows him everywhere no matter if its sitting down or standing something bad happens. Benjamin walked home and as soon as he got home, you guessed it its time for abuse! Benjamins father a lamo kicked him in the ribs first, then the head then the chest, then the hands and finally the nose. His mother threw plates at him mainly hitting his head of course then finally time to do a gif to get an idea of what his mum did to him afterwards the plates

but over 100 times and the cherry on top is being starved to death and being locked in the attic isn't that lovely comment if it is

Idiot Father: Stay up there you burden! *closes the attic door*

Benjamin: *sits in a corner and finds a diary* huh thats weird and why is it called (are you ready peeps?!) a death note?

and in the perfect chapter ending we left our sad boi in an attic and who knows maybe he will become the most powerful being ever!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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