The meeting

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POV: no one

Bismarck's order brought mostly all of the people present in the conference room back from their train of thought.

After a minute of silence and different admirals, Vice admirals and scientists looking at each other in thought one finally stood up from his seed.

"Frau Bismarck. I thing I speak for all the people present here that there are too many questions still unanswered to give a solid plan on what to do. However it is my personal opinion that, given the current circumstances, we should not continue the building process on the Object H-39. For its weapons can turn against us and our homeland."

Flottenadmiral Thorsten von Glockner. A person who gained his position by utilising his Family connection to be stationed in a military base in the Baltic see. Never seen any real combat during the great war he rose slowly trough the ranks by being on permanent desk duty. He did however knew how to best utilise his men. By doing so he, who is nothing else but ordinary, gained the position of an Admiral.

However this gained him not many friends. Especially in how he always tried to reduce spending in everything that he is part of. The base that he once commanded had only the bare minimum to not fall under regulation when a inspection came around.

That however didn't mean the base was terrible. It did have all the things that was required to have for a naval base. A big enough of a dock to house a small fleet of ships, a good amount of defensive weapons for both anti-air and Anti-ship, enough Munition, rations and materials to support a week long defence in case a attack and radar system's and communication system's were always the newest that the old German Reich had available that one doesn't have to worry about a sudden surprise attack.

However everything else did indeed suffer. The uniforms were older models, the sleeping quarters were old and in need of repairs, Exept for the main road's every other road had some holes and unless those became to big to be a safety hazard they were not repaired. He also has something against big projects, wanting to always reduce the amount of projects to save as much money in case of something happening.

The opinion of the soldiers who served under him had mixed feelings about him. So mixed in fact that one could not trust rumours and you have to meet and see him yourself and see how he runs his base get the full picture. None of the rumours were extraordinary Exept that he used a part of the budget to enriched himself. After a thorough investigation that rumour however was dismissed because it was baseless accusations.

His fellow officers were easier to distinguish as one side were similar to the Flottenadmiral in the way they did things. Some of them were quite similar with the way they joined the military and the help they got from their families.

The second group were more neutral to him and understood the need to reduce spending in case of a emergency but also the need to continue the research of new technology, tactics and the improvement of the industry with the mindset that not doing so would leed to stagnation.

"Wait a moment Admiral Glockner." A man stood up from his chair and pointed at the Admiral in front of himself. "You said it yourself there are to many questions still unanswered. However why should we not continue building the Battleship? Not only would it bolster our forces but also ensure the safety of our nation with another type Friedrich Battle ship." He pointed at the window facing the dock in witch the unfinished Hull-39 was at. "Not to mention that with the second one we may have a chance to further push the Sirens out of our water's and then there is another important point that if we have two Friedrich type's the possibility to finally end the Siren thread."

Kapitän zur See Wolfgang Vogel. A Veteran of the great war. He was there wenn the Siren first attacked, at that time nothing more than a captain on a destroyer G101 class and was one of the first Person to witness the powers that the Sirens showed with their mass produced ships. His ship, G101, was sunk while it was on patrol as a purple portal suddenly opened up less than 200 meters away from it. As a man of action he is ordered his communication officer to immediately call for SOS on this position.

As this Sci-fi monstrosity fully came out of the portal the signal was sent out on all frequencies informing all of the surrounding ships that there was something wrong.

As luck would have it a British freighter who was returning from Bergen Norway was the closest ship and saw a part of the commotion that was the emerging of the Sirens.

The HMS ugly Swan, out of fear, contracted the the emergency nummer to the royal navy in case of an attack. After explaining what was happening they were ordered to save any personal that they could find.

Five out of 104 sailors were found with heavy injuries and two more died because of them with Captin Vogel being one of them.

At first no one believes him on what happened after a month in coma believing it to be him going crazy after losing his crew and left hand in an engine explosion and weird fever dreams. That changes however after the Sirens started their offensive in full.

He quickly became one of the best commander's of the new reformed Kriegsmarine des Deutschen Reiches against the Sirens and was the one who spearheaded the research of new technology for weapons that could be used against them. One of those research's path were the reverse engineering of Siren technologies that leed to the creation of wisdom cubes.

It is true that this research particular wasn't done alone in just Deutschland but also across the world and all steps that lead to the development of wisdom cubes were shared but it started with Oberst Vogel who started the project and made it a world wide one, to the creation of the first wisdom cube. Granted it was a failure because the cube was to unstable and destroyed itself but it proved that with a few adjacent a stable one could be produced.

Soon after the counter offensive began with the first Kansen.

Yes a huge amount of money and resources were required to get to this point but as a wise man one said:" If a problem can be dealt with money than it isn't a problem." That is how one could describe the third group of people that are in the meeting room.

Bismarck got a headache as she listened to the two Officers on what to do with the Hull and the constant back and forth is making it worse.

" Ich glaube es reicht." Everyone stopped as she stood up to address the room. "I see that there are different opinions here on what to do with H-39. Personally I am of the opinion that both sides have their merit as well as problems that need to be addressed."

"Tirpitz's was the one who found it and has been the longest amount of time around the Object. Her opinion will most certainly decide if we will continue to build on it." She glanced at her sister then to Friedrich, who hasn't moved from the window to look at the Hull. "But we all have to remember, the Object is a H-39 off our own making. Meaning one can basically say that it is part of our faction. That should be clear to everyone right?"

Small nods of agreement were passed around.

"Then we have to speak about the future..." "Bismarck." As she began to speak she was disrupted by Friedrich. "Do we have any Wisdom Cubes here in this base that are 'Free'?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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H-39 Aircraft carrier "Manfred von Richthofen" in azur laneWhere stories live. Discover now