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July 6, 2023

Yunho held out a piece of paper to Mingi. It was the piece of paper he had found in the beach house. Mingi scanned the crumpled paper. At the top was a strange name and an address. Underneath were some numbers in different columns. It looked like an invoice, but for what?

"And what did you find at the address?" Mingi wanted to know. Yunho, who was sitting opposite him, looked up. "It was an old house, but I didn't find anyone there and the neighbors said that the person who lived there had moved out some time ago."

Mingi looked down and thought. Then he jumped up from the bed. "Was that paper the only thing you found in the beach house?" Yunho seemed to be thinking. "Well, after you sort of caught me and I was kidnapped,
I didn't really have time to look any further."

Mingi looked at Yunho, stunned. "Yah, what are you waiting for? If you found this, maybe there's more," Mingi said, holding up the paper. Yunho agreed with him.

They both got ready and were sitting in Yunho's car half an hour later. "Is it okay for the others if we're gone?" Mingi asked, looking back at the house. Yunho started the engine and snorted. "They won't even notice we're gone."


Mingi yawned and leaned his head against the side of the car. They had been on the road for half an eternity. Yunho gave Mingi a quick sideways glance. "Mingi?" He looked up tiredly. "I'm really sorry about yesterday and that I was jealous this morning that you slept over at Yeosang's room."

Mingi had to grin. "It's all right," he mumbled. He realized that Yunho was still not satisfied. "Just don't do it again and just talk to me," Mingi said and leaned forward to give Yunho a kiss on the cheek. This finally made Yunho smile as well. "How much longer are we going to drive?" Mingi asked after he had leaned back into the car seat. Yunho sighed. "I think another hour."


Mingi sleepily opened his eyes and was immediately wide awake when he saw the small house and the sea. He opened the door and got out. Yunho followed him. Together they walked along the narrow sandy path to the house and Yunho rummaged in his pocket. He pulled out the key to the house and handed it to Mingi. With a pounding heart, Mingi unlocked the door and they went inside.

Not much had changed. "Who cleaned up?" Mingi asked, remembering the mess the guys who had kidnapped Yunho had made last time. "I hired someone." Yunho laughed and looked around. "Shall we split up?" Mingi asked after a while and Yunho nodded.

After Yunho disappeared up the stairs, Mingi looked around. The first thing he did was walk to a shelf next to the couch on the wall. The shelf was totally dusty and apart from old books, there was hardly anything of interest. Mingi began to search further. He looked in two other shelves, at a small table in a corner and finally in an old chest of drawers by the window. But apart from old things, he found nothing of any significance.

He sighed and walked into the kitchen. His eyes scanned the room, but all he could make out was old furniture. He was almost turning to leave when his eyes caught on something. There were two small drawers under the kitchen table.

Mingi immediately walked to the table and tried to pull the drawers open by their little knob, but the drawers wouldn't move a bit. But Mingi refused to give up. There had to be a key somewhere.

Mingi looked around, somewhat perplexed, and was about to call Yunho when he saw something glittering above the door frame. He had to grin and stretched out his hand. He felt something small and covered in dust and sure enough, it was a small key. "Yes!" he exclaimed euphorically and walked proudly back to the table.

His smile widened even more when he heard a click and the drawer opened. He carefully pulled it open and old pictures caught his eye. He carefully took them out and looked at them one by one. Most of them were children's photos of Yunho. Mingi had to smile. "Mingi?" he heard Yunho's voice from the living room. "Come here quickly," he said, and not a second later, Yunho appeared behind him. Mingi held up the pictures. Confused, Yunho took them. His expression softened at the sight of the photos. "Where did you...?" Mingi pointed to the open drawer.

While Yunho looked at the rest of the photos, Mingi went on to the second drawer and opened it just as carefully as the other one. There were some papers in the second drawer. Mingi reached in and pulled out a small pile of paper. Together with Yunho, he leafed through it. Most of it was just unimportant stuff, but Yunho stuck to one sheet and Mingi looked at him questioningly.

"This is a bill," Yunho said, holding the piece of paper out to Mingi. Mingi's eyes widened when he saw the name on the piece of paper. It matched the other name they had found. Mingi's eyes skimmed over the bill and lingered on one number. "A million?" he blurted out. Yunho exhaled.
''I knew they were in debt, but I didn't realize it was that much money."

Mingi frowned. He put the note aside and continued to leaf through the pile, and sure enough, at the bottom of the last page, he found something interesting. It was a small note that also looked like some kind of a bill. Mingi realized that it was that one million again, but after he took a closer look, his breath caught.

"Yunho, this is a bank transfer." Yunho took the small paper. "A bank transfer?" Mingi nodded. "Look at the amount and the name." Mingi could see Yunho's expression change abruptly. "But..." he pressed out and Mingi had to take a deep breath. "It looks like someone transferred exactly one million to your parents. And it was the same person you couldn't find." Yunho no longer understood anything and dropped onto a dusty chair.

"That means that your parents didn't owe the million to anyone, but got it from someone," Mingi concluded after a short while and Yunho looked at him, overwhelmed. "And who would just do that? And also why?" Mingi shrugged his shoulders. "No one. The person must got something from your parents for it and we have to find out what."


It was dark outside. Everything was quiet, even the sea seemed to be asleep. Mingi sat on the couch and looked out to the sea, where there was nothing but darkness. He was so lost in thought that he didn't even notice how Yunho fell onto the soft fabric next to him. Only when he felt an arm around him did he look up. He caught sight of Yunho, smiled and slid closer to him to give him a kiss on the cheek. They both sat there quietly, enjoying each other's company.

"What should we do now?" Yunho asked after a while. Mingi sighed. He wasn't quite sure himself. "We only have this one name to go on. So we have to start there." Yunho agreed with him. "But I didn't find anyone at the address and the neighbors couldn't help me either."

Mingi thought. "Was it a house or an apartment?" he wanted to know. "An apartment in a big house," said Yunho, a little confused. Mingi smiled. "An apartment always has a landlord, unless the landlord owns the apartment himself, but I'm sure we'll find something that will help us."

Mingi felt Yunho's soft lips on his temple. A tingling sensation ran through his stomach. "Thank you for helping me," Yunho said. Mingi smiled. "You deserve the truth, Yunho, and I want you to be happy," Mingi said.

If only they had known that the truth would never make anyone happy...


Heyy I know this part is a bit short and confusing but update comes probably tmr and then it will make more sense

Also sorry that I update so irregularly at the moment, it's a really stressful time right now but I promise in march will be more updates again <33

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