18 : Strange Restlessness

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Yang Jia's pov 

Atlas, overcoming a dreadful afternoon full of underlying tension, our work came to it's designated ending. I'm so happy that now I can finally go home, as soon as possible.

It may be true that I like Seeun as a good person but I don't to see her shadow even anywhere near my husband. I'm very scared, I'm feeling strangely uneasy. God, please don't let these two meet today at any cost.

I gotta call Riki tonight, I need to get this feeling off my chest, anyhow. My words may sound harsh when I'm saying it like this but even a blind person can feel her love & longing for Jungwon. She is clearly excited and happy to meet him.

For once if she wanted to meet up with him as an old  friend, I would have let it slide scratch that I wouldn't have given single fuck about it but sis, she crystal clearly is having different feelings for Jungwon.

It pains my heart to see another woman having the same feeling, I perceive for my husband. I know, right now I'm sounding awfully possessive but I can't help it. I don't want to feel like this either, it makes me feel like, I'm the bad person here. Of course that doesn't mean anyone in this situation is a bad person. I just love him too much only to let go of him in the end, I won't be able to do, I can't ...

We packed our stuffs and headed out of the café, it's already evening. While I was on my way to the car, Seeun following closely behind. I suddenly got several texts on my phone, creating a ping ! Sound. I looked at the screen to see my beloved bombarding me with his lovely texts which brought a smile on my before gloomy face.


Wonnie (Hubby) :
Did you at least eat something in the afternoon, love ?

Are you finished with your errands ?
Should I come and pick you up from there directly ?

I'm done with my work, I was going to tell Sunghoon to move the appointment with the head designer tomorrow morning as it's already half past six.

Me :
Yes, I had croissants & hot chocolate as I didn't had much appetite today.

I'm done with my work. No, no need to come all the way here only to pick me up, it will be a hassle.

I'm with Sunghoon anyway, he will drop me straight at home, you go first.

And I will pass it to him, don't worry. Drive safely, Wonnie.

Wonnie (Hubby) :

Okay, if you say so but don't get too close with Mr. Park, I'm afraid you were with him the whole day, I don't want my beautiful wife to fall for him charms. And I didn't even get to see your face today at all, tsk...

I chuckled loudly at his pettiness, I can already picture him with a sulky pout on his adorable lips while his brows frowned in Jealousy which undoubtedly caught Sunghoon's attention who looked at me in amazement when he was about to unlock the car along with Seeun who was still present here beside us.

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