Ein's First Year at a New School

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Ein was a rebellious troublesome 16 year old kid who wanted to do nothing else but make fun of people. Every year Ein would attend a new school and this year his father chose a very special school. Early in the morning at 4:00 they went to board their airplane. Ein's dad was on his phone and Ein sat there regretting his life decisions. Ein never wanted to mean to anybody or hurt them, he just didn't think anyone understood how hard life was so he hurt them like his dad hurt him. I know it seems confusing but if you think about it that's probaly how it would go. Anyway, Ein and his dad finally made it. They got a new house, got new furnature, and bought new food. Ein was actaully having fun for the first time because he finally got to spend time with his dad without him hitting him once! Ein went to his new bedroom and deftinatly felt at home. The next day Ein's dad wasn't happy and started taking his anger out on Ein.
"EIN!!" His dad yelled.
"Ye..Yess dad.." Ein studdered.
"Okay dad I'm going." Ein replied.
Then Ein's dad lost full control and grabbed Ein by the neck.
"SON.. Don't you dare say anything about me.." Ein's dad Wispered
Once Ein'd dad let him go he got punched. Right in the eye. As Ein walked to school all the people around him glared as they noticed his bruised eye.
"Man I need a break from dad's harsh punishments." Ein thought to himself.
When Ein got to his new school there were these two boys throwing somthing around. Ein went to see what was happening.
"Hey give it back!" The girl in the middle screamed.
The two boys continued to laugh. Ein tripped one of the and pretended it was an accident. Then Ein grabbed the girld backpack. As the two boys ran off in dissapointment Ein started to head to class, then the girl grabbed him.
"Hey I'm Aphmau by the way and I really want to thank you for stopping those bullies." Aphmau spoke.
"Yeah I'm Ein I'm kind of new here..." Ein replied.
"HEY I"M NEW TOO!!" Aphmau hollard in excitment.
Ein stood there thinking this was nice and so Aphmau continued to speak.
"Oh by the way I also made some other friends recently before you came. This is Noi, Zane, Kc, and.. Aaron." aphmau spoke.
Ein got to meet everyone and enjoyed his time then the bell rang.
"Were late better get to class." Noi said.
Everyone went to their class Ein, aphmau, and Aaron stayed in one class with a few other people, and the others went to diffrent classes. Ein was glad to make friends, but something was wrong with Aphmau.
"Hey you good." Ein asked.
"Yea, but you know Aaron." Aphmau asked.
"Of course. Whats wrong." Ein replied.
"Aaron is.. Well we are kind of friends.. I want us to be friends.. He's just.. Such a jerk. Throwing people out windows and we barely even speak. I don't understand and he says mean things almost all the time." Aphmau cried.
"Oh..umm.. For all you know mabey he wants to be nice but there is somthing going on that makes him take his anger out on others rather than his situation.. Mabey a .. dad issue or something.. Not to make that sound oddly specific, but ..You know let's continue this conversation after school or at lunch I have something to tell you." Ein studdered.
After Ein and aphmau finished their classes they headed to lunch to eat.
"What did you wanna say again?" Aphmau asked.
"I really want to save that for the end of the day I'm sorry for pushing the conversation back some time it's just a lot to talk about." Ein answered.
After lunch soon it was time to go home. Ein and aphmau could finally talk.
"Okay so I know we were talking about Aaron and stuff, but once you said those thngs it kind of reminded me of me," Ein started," You see I was a bad child and did some hateful things kind of like what Aaron is doing to you. I did those things because my dad does them to me and nobody understood my pain so I made them understand. You see my father has been beating me up since I was just born basically. My mom is so called dead and I dont understand why or how. My dad barely said anything about her and I'm just alone all the time. I'm really sorry if I am you know being mean or anything it just.. I really don't know." Ein finished.
Aphmau gave Ein a hug and told him he was good enough.Then Ein's dad came overhearing the conversation Ein's dad took Ein's neck and held him in the air.
Ein hung there in fear then right when his dad was going to hit him Aphmau tried to help.
"LOOK OUT!" Aphmau warned.
Ein's dad still succeeded in hitting Ein .
"You are no longer my son I can't even trust you to keep secrets." Ein's dad spoke.
Finally Ein was free from his father but his eye was bleeding now. Aphmau rushed him to her house and helped heal his wound.
"Why are you being so nice to me." Ein asked in wonder.
"Because I'm kind hearted.." Aphmau started. "And I think you look cute."
(Btw the cute part was just a joke I added it for no reason because it seemed funny at the time, BUT TRUST ME I AM NOT SHIPPING THEM!!)
"I'm just kidding about the cute thing, I dont know why I said it hoestly just wanted to your reaction."aphmau Smiled
"Well honestly I think the wrod your actaully looking for is handsome, Hot!! What do you think." Ein smirked.
"In your dreams. Not to be rude just letting you know truth a girl would never like someone who calls themself hot or handsome or basically only cares about their looks. Again not to be rude just trying to keep you out of trouble." Aphmau said.
Ein was basically living with aphmau now they acted so much like brother and sister whenever they hang out. Ein and Aphmau were the best of friends, but Ein actaully started to develop a crush for Aphmau as the days went by. Ein knew they were baically brother and sister because Aphmau's mom adopted him knowing he was disowned from his family. Ein still couldn't stop thinking about aphmau though. Everyday Ein and Aphmau would be growing closer together, but soon the grew farther apart. Aphmau starte hanging out with Aaron more and more this made Ein kind of sad. Ein knew his dad wanted him to get a date at least once in his life, and for some reason Ein started to miss his father. Ein did like the pain, but a few times Ein and his dad did have fun together. Ein was scared, sad, and felt alone. One day Ein and Noi started to become good friends and did everything together. Ein started to enjoy Noi's company, before you knew it Noi and Ein were doing absolutley everything together. They were pranking people together, eating cokkies together, even just relaxing and talking together. There was only one thing Noi wasn't really all that happy about pranking people he felt bad while doing it, but after a while he started to enjoy it because Ein was having fun. Ein started to actaully like Noi a little to much, and it seemed Noi was the same. Ein's dad was never really specific wheather his date had to be girl or not, so Ein built up confidance and asked.
"Hey Noi.. I know this sounds weird but I kind of.. You know.. It seems. I can't say it really." Ein studdered.
"Ein I think I know what you asking but can I ask it first.. I actaully like you and this is really fun just being with you want to you know enjoy life like this almost all the time." Noi asked.
"Wow how are you so straight forward like that." Ein asked surprised.
"I just kind of let out all my feelings instead of holding pain in all the time." Noi replied.
Both of them had a stronger bond before, but everyday they didnt really seem close they were just always acting like friends. Ein wanted to try to make things better but it seemed to far. One day a new student came to the school and his name was Pierce.
(Hehe here's the fun part!!!! I CAN"T WAIT.. Even though I'm writting the story).
Ein saw Pierce and felt like his heart just exploded a million times in 1 second. Noi saw this and knew it was for the best so everyday Noi would try to bring Ein and Pierce closer to eachother.
"Hey Ein let's go sit with Pierce I think he wants to tell you something." Noi smirked.
Ein was oblivious when Noi tried to ship him andm Pierce, but Ein always gave a yes when it came to Pierce.
As the three chatted Noi saw how Ein and Pierce enjoyed eacothothers company, so Noi decided to leave.
"Man I'm going to miss hanging out with Ein" Noi thought to himself.
Ein and Pierce started to have so much fun, but it got dark out. Pierce took out his phone and started to call somone. Ein was confused so he waited patiently. Then As Pierce was on the call with someone Ein dissapeared.
"Ein? Come on I really don't feel up to a prank right now... Ein?"Pierce called
Pierce heard a loud obnoxious scream coming from the woods. Pierce saw Ein hanging upsidedown from a tree. Pierce kept his guard up as he tried to untie Ein. Then Pierce noticed something.. Cookie crumbs..
"Noi.. WHERE ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!!!!!!" Pierce hollard.
Ein was still hanging until Noi showed up and cut the ropes.
"I really thought that would work." Noi sobbed.
"What!? What is this." Pierce asked.
Ein sitting there not understanding anthing soon fell asleep while Noi and Pierce talked.
"I really thought it would be cool to see well you two together." Noi explained.
"What do you mean?" Pierce asked.
"You two detinantly like eachother that is all I know." Noi said.
"Yea I don't think so that's not how it works." Pierce said.
"No?Well tell me why Ein Is saying your name in his sleep then." Noi smirked.
"Piercey.." Ein mummbled.
"Piercey? Yea I'm done." Pierce walks away.
Noi noticing he ruined their friendship left. Ein still sleeping on the log wakes up is all alone. Ein's biggest fear is being alone because whenever he was alone he would get beat up by his dad except for that one time with Aph. Ein is crying tears of fear until Pierce comes back.
"Why are you crying?" Pierce aks.
"PLEASE DON"T HURT ME!!!" Ein hollars while crying thinking it's his dad who spoke.
"Whoa whoa whoa.. It's okay It's just me Pierce what happened." Pierce comforts Ein.
"Back then before I lived with Aphmau my dad would beat me up whenever it was just me and him. Somehow no matter where I was he would find me even if it's a place he had never seen." Ein explained.
"Are you sure you don't have a tracker on you mabey thats how he finds you." Pierce asks.
"Well I did have multiple surgeries do you think he could have hid one inmy skin!!!!??" Ein yells in fear.
"Mabey.. Let me see." Pierce says.
"How can you see if..."Ein starts but doesnt finish.
"Stay still." Pierce says.
Pierce looks around and checks then.
"Okay Ein can you promise me somthing." Pirce asks.
"YES!" Ein replies.
"Close your eyes." Pierce says.
Ein closes his eyes. Pierce transforms into his Demon form in order to help. After a while Pierce finally gets the tracking device out in order to make Ein feel better and not so afraid. As pierce transforms back he notices that he injured Ein. In order to get the tracker out Pierce had to bite deep into Ein's hand making it bleed a lot. Ein still unconsious because of Pierce's power is starting to wake up.
"What did I do I knew going into my demon form would do this, ein is injured and that means one thing." Pierce starts," I have 2 demon wishes left before I die and so I can use one on him."
Pierce using one of his wishes helps Ein and now Ein is better.
(BTW I added the wishes thing because in my story A demon can basically live forever unless they die to an enemy anyway I made up the wishes for lives basically once Pierce runs out of wishes he dies yay I mean umm back to the story).
Pierce walks Ein back to Aphmau's house and Aphmau worried carries Ein inside.
"Thank you Pierce." Aphmau says.
"Take care of him." Pierce says.
Pierce leaves and ein and Aphmau enjoy some time together. Next year is going to be crazy.

The End (of year 1)

Ein's life story (written by:Ira)Where stories live. Discover now