The Pet Support Club

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Rainbow Dash's POV:

A soft summer breeze brushed my face. I kept my eyes shut to avoid the bright sunlight. The warmth on my skin felt just right, not too hot. I grinned as I laid on the fresh grass in the school yard, enjoying the simple pleasure of the moment.

My friends chattered about putting pineapple on pizza as I dozed off. Suddenly, a shadow interrupted my nap, and I peered to see a pink-haired girl beaming at me.

«What?» I inquired. Fluttershy knelt beside me, prompting me to sit up. I observed her holding a stack of papers, which she then handed to me.

Feeling a bit puzzled, I took out a paper and was greeted by a big headline:


My eyebrows knitted together as I glanced at the pink-haired girl. «Please join the pet club,» Fluttershy implored. «I've arranged for a weekly gathering every Tuesday after school. We'll bring our pets and perhaps enjoy some tea and cookies together. It'll be wonderfully cozy.»

«Sorry, but that's not really my thing,» I replied casually, reclining on my back. «Plus, my turtle isn't much of a people person. You might have better luck asking someone else.»

Just as I sensed Fluttershy mutter a disappointed «oh, okay,» and leave, Rarity cleared her throat loudly, prompting me to sit up once again before I could even close my eyes.

Rarity and the others glanced at me with disappointment etched on their faces, causing my eyes to roll back in exasperation. «What's the big deal?» I exclaimed. «I just didn't feel like joining the group. Why is everyone making such a fuss about it anyway?».

«Come on, Dash,» Rarity said firmly. «You know how much Fluttershy has been looking forward to this club. She really wanted you to be a part of it.»

«But why me? Why can't any of you go instead?» I asked, feeling a bit perplexed.

«Oh, I'm already planning on going,» Twilight interjected. «And I really think you should come too. Come on, it'll be fun.»

I rolled my eyes once again. It all seemed so pathetic to me. Why would I want to go to some lovey-dovey meeting anyway when I could be doing something else, like soccer? My thoughts paused as my gaze landed on Fluttershy and some other blue-haired guy.

I studied them closely. Both Fluttershy and the blue-haired guy seemed to laugh nervously and glance down every now and then. Despite this, what really caught my attention was when he touched her arm. I could feel my blood start to boil in my veins.

A bright smile illuminated her face as she walked back towards us. «Guess what, the pet support group earned a new member,» Fluttershy exclaimed excitedly. The friend group erupted in cheers, but I remained silent, a knot of mixed emotions churning in my stomach.

As everyone else started chatting about something else, I leaned in towards Fluttershy and whispered, «Who was that guy you were talking to?».

«Oh, that's Luke, just the son of one of my mom's friends,» Fluttershy replied casually.

«It looked like he was trying to flirt with you,» I said, annoyance evident in my voice.

Fluttershy gave me a confused look before responding, «Oh no, we were just talking about him joining the pet support club.»

«Mhm,» I muttered under my breath, my teeth pressed together. «You know what, I think I'm joining the group anyway.»

A big smile spread across Fluttershy's face, and I couldn't help but feel my own smile widen in response. A sense of admiration surged through me as I watched her happiness.

She enveloped me in a big hug. «That's amazing, Dash. I'm so happy you changed your mind,» she exclaimed.

As she pulled away from the hug and we locked eyes, I felt a warm blush creep onto my cheeks, a mix of emotions swirling within me.

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