three: bedroom

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Liam's POV

It was another one of those nights again.

Where I'd go in Luna's bedroom and lock myself in there.

I laid down on her bed, facing the ceiling as I hugged one of her childhood plushies close to my chest.

She was my twin, kind of like my other half (platonically ofc) and without her I felt empty.

The day she told me all about her problems I was happy she came to me but sad that I couldn't do much to help her.

I missed her hugs, her smile, her sassy attitude, I missed the time where she was truly happy.

Mom and dad just had to ruin it all, even if I knew it wasn't only their fault.

I stood up and grabbed a box from under her bed, she always kept a box with all of our family memories in it.

I plopped down on the floor and opened it, the first thing I noticed was a journal, I carefully held it and looked at the first page "Luna's weird rambles" was written on it and I cracked a smile.

I put it on the floor, I wasn't ready to read it yet.

I then grabbed the huge photo album she had, I leaned against her bed and started looking through the photos.

I stopped when I looked at one photo of the two of us when we were only 4 years old.

We were asleep, one on top of the other, as "Cinderella" played on the tv.

I smiled at the memory and sighed.

I just missed her so much.

I wished I could go back in time to make things right, to pay more attention to her.

But I guess I couldn't..

I flipped through more pages and stared at the 2 year old Luna in Michael's arms.

Mom never liked taking care of baby Luna, which made me feel slightly guilty because she was always busy with me.

Back to the picture, Luna was clinging to Michael's chest with a cute grin on her face, a pacifier in her mouth and small fingers.

Michael was smiling widely and nuzzling her tiny head. 

I smiled and looked at more pictures, but froze when I looked at the last one.

It was a picture of me and her a few days before she got admitted in the hospital.

We were hugging each other and grinning, but I could see the emptiness behind her eyes.

I sighed heavily and closed the album, I put it back in its place and crawled back in her bed.

I hugged the plushie close to myself and closed my eyes.

"I miss you, Luna" I whispered to myself before falling asleep.


A/N: I'm so sorry for the short chapters but the first couple of chapters will be short so I can write a bit of fillers until I get to the most interesting parts :)
Probably the first chapters will be focused on one brother each, just to get the POV of everyone and to know what they feel :3

OUR LITTLE SISTER | by lvxmityWhere stories live. Discover now