Chapter 18

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Plans changed so we had to return to base.

Not the one I worked at, but another and it was more like a camp filled with soldiers and ranked officials.

This was no place for me and Hassan knew it, so I tried to stay small and invisible as possible.

He didn't get the memo and has me under him at all times, but then I realized he was angry and I'm just here to keep him calm.

Seated in the corner of the board room or war room where all I could hear was strategy planning.

I was hungry again.

Tuning them out, I got a snack and pulled it making all eyes turn to me.

My eyes widened and it found Hassan whose lips turned up into a faint smile.

Mouthing an apology, I still reached in the bag for the nature bar.

"Who is she? What is she doing in here and eating in this fuck..." He spoke as if he was trying to intimate me.

My eyes widened again as the man that spoke has a coloured tack embedded in the middle of his forehead.

Like those same colourful tacks my primary school teacher uses on the school notice board. Or on a chart that labels the human body.

Now that labeled his forehead, deeply between his brows.

Wow, that's precise.

"Don't disrespect my woman." Hassan warned without looking away from me.

How did he...

"Would you mind taking a walk with me, King?" Mister Rosso who was also here asked.

Hassan nods but I can see the dark look in his eyes.

"Yes please." I agreed, getting up.

We walked out into the partially lush oasis right outside the desert. Still the heat was worst than it is in Jamaica.

I've drank so much water that it seems like it hasn't helped much.

"Mister Rosso..."

"Call me Declan. You're my best friend's wife." He said and I smiled.

"I'm not his wife yet."

"You will be." He tells me and I laughed.

"I know, but won't he get in trouble for doing what he just did?" I worriedly inquires.

He laughs. "Your father-in-law runs the CIA. His family does so much in the military that..."

My life and family is in no comparison.

"You're the chance or change he needed in his life. Now that you're outside, you'll see why he needed you inside." He stopped walking and turned, so I did so without much thought.

"What do you mean?"

"You'll see." He chuckled and I looked towards the makeshift tent from which we came.

After two minutes nothing changed.

"I have no patience..." I started but there it is.

The same man is recklessly shoved outside and out stepped Hassan in his thick combat boots.

Though the other man is much muscular, Hassan has the height and the power to overthrow him.

He barks out an order with everyone around us stopping to watch.

As the guy now starts doing push ups on one hand.

Declan chuckled at all this, then Hassan looked around the area and everyone starts moving.

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