Please, Professor!

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As the graduation ceremony wrapped up and my classmates began partying, I made my way to the dungeon. The heels of my stilettos clacked on the floor. I knew he would be in his classroom. Probably perfecting a potion. As I descended the steps, I began undoing the buttons on my green, Slytherin robes. All the graduates got graduation robes with their corresponding house colors. I undid the last button revealing the lacy black lingerie I had on underneath. As I reached the door to the potions classroom, I dropped my robe on the floor. Turning the doorknob, I walked in. There he was, doing exactly as I expected. He was so focused on the task at hand that he didn’t even look up at me.

“I am very busy,” Severus said.

“I’m sorry, professor, I just wanted to see you,” I said with a sultry tone to my voice. Upon realizing it was me, he looked up.

“Miss Y/L/N, shouldn’t you be upstairs at the celebration,” Severus asked as he fought the urge to scan his eyes down my body.

“Well, yeah, but I wanted to see my favorite professor,” I said as I slowly walked towards him, trailing my fingers along the tables as I walked.

Severus gulped, “Well I suppose, congratulations are in order, seeing as you are officially graduated,” He said, trying desperately to keep his composure.

“See, I was hoping for something else to celebrate. Getting drunk and partying is fine, but I wanted to do something I’ll remember,” I said as I stared up into his black irises.

“Miss Y/L/N,” Severus gulped, “As I told you before, I do not engage in such manners with students,” he said.

“But, Sir, I am not a student anymore, I am officially graduated,” I said, repeating his words back to him.

I lifted my arm and slowly trailed my fingers down his chest. Severus quickly grabbed my wrist and stared deeply into my eyes.

“I suppose you are correct,” he said as he finally allowed his eyes to travel down my body. “And, you’re sure this is what you want,” he asked.

I nodded slowly, “More than anything, please, Professor!”

Without another second thought, Severus scooped me up and carried me to the door that led to his private quarters. He slammed the door shut behind him and threw me on the bed. His room was exactly as I’d imagined it, black, black, and more black. His king-sized bed was adorned with black satin sheets. I propped myself up against the giant stack of pillows. 

Severus began slowly undressing. His robes gently hit the floor. He turned back toward me, causing me to gasp. He easily had the largest cock I had ever seen, and I’d seen a few. There was Draco, and Blaise, and Fred and George Weasley(the only Weasley siblings I could stomach) but all of them had just been a distraction from what I wanted and couldn’t have.

I sat up and slowly reached my hand towards his cock, but he caught my wrist.

“Ah ah, let's focus on you,” Severus said as he climbed onto the bed next to me and smashed his lips into mine. The kiss was passionate but controlled. He pulled away and began pulling the straps of my lingerie off of my shoulders. Once the straps were off, he softly tugged the bodice down below my tits.

“Oh my god,” Severus said as he leaned forward and took my left nipple in his mouth. My back arched as his tongue swirled around it. He flicked my nipple with his tongue a couple of times before removing his mouth with a pop. He quickly replaced it with my left nipple and repeated the process. After he finished, he slowly trailed his hands down my body, making sure to feel every curve. He gently slipped his hand under the skirt of my lingerie. I felt his nails scrape across my thighs, causing me to shudder. Which did not go unnoticed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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