Chapter 2 - the arrival

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After a long and painful walk, Elijah had finally landed at the outskirts of a small town in Britain- a gloomy, fog-ridden village that was decorated in gorgeous rows of ivy all across the different uniform houses that covered the outside of the winding path that led to the masses of hills that lay across the nearby fields. He rested his hands on his knees, looking down in pride and relief as he knew he was finally going to get some decent rest. He rushed down the rest of the path, and before he knew it, he was searching the town for the house number on his crumbled piece of paper that was collecting little droplets of water across it.

"Where is it.." he tutted to himself. On his path, he saw a pub with a very strange sign above it. "The slaughtered Lamb? What an odd name.." he said to himself, being unfamiliar with the colourful names given to Pubs in England. He opened the door, and immediately felt the glare of the several brits staring at him; he felt the sense of unease within them. As if a few of them had been through this before and faced severe déjà vu.
"Hello" he sat down at a table, and the Bartender approached him.
"What can I get for ya?" The man said, dashing his eyes over him.
"Uh... coffee, please"
"We don't have coffee."
"No, but I'll make some for ya, alright?"
"Ok, thanks"
The bartender returned to the counter and started preparing a cup of tea for him. Elijah took his phone out of his pocket and began scrolling through Instagram. When he pressed reels, the loading screen popped up, and he realised he had no service. He looked around the room; he was bored, but thankful that he was finally somewhere warm and relaxing.. for his muscles, not his mind.

When his tea was dropped off, he started sipping at it. His tongue was numb from the sudden cold-to-hot sensation. He put it down quickly before returning his gaze to the dart players. He was a 40 year old man with his 70 something year old father. The older man was attempting to teach his son how to play darts; he was very good, he never ever missed the board. Elijah overheard them talking.

"I've only missed the board twice, once when i met your mother," he wolf whistled and the others around him cheered with laughter "and.. uh.." he choked up a bit, unable to bear the weight of the incident he was about to describe again. Elijah was intrigued by his story. "When two young American lads came in... one interrupted this story this old guy used to tell in here. He died that very night" his son looked at him worriedly. Elijah, filled with curiosity, replied:
"How did he die?"
The group at the dart board turned to look at him. Elijah felt a large ball of saliva scratch down his throat.
The man seemed as if he were caught for a crime, and his it behind a terrifying poker face.

"How did he die?" He repeated, walking up to Elijah, the clunking of his boots scraping the floor with stones that were trapped in the gaps of the heels. "Well, young lad" the other people started turning to listen. "I was here one night like usual, in my 30s, must've been 31, it was a year before I met your mother" he pointed to his son. "And these boys... they left the pub 'cause they were uncomfortable. Me and some of my mates heard screaming, we went out to find them" he starts opening his story up to the rest of the pub, "and saw one mauled to pieces on the ground," Elijah winced "one ripped across his jaw, and you know what done it?" People surrounding them shook their heads, including Elijah "a werewolf".

Elijah noticed some people were becoming disinterested with the story, including himself. He knew werewolves weren't real, he'd seen them in movies but they definitely didn't exist. The man was frustrated at this. "It's true, you don't have to believe me. But I was there when that boy who survived transformed into one himself and had to get shot dead after 8 deaths"
Elijah was getting uncomfortable, too, and decided that he'd finish his cup and exit the pub and continue to look for his Air B'n'B.

"Well, I best be off, and thank you for the story" he raised his hand for the Dart man to shake, but he walked away. Elijah put some money on the counter, and opened the door, before hearing;
"Beware the moon, lad. Stay on the road"
He turned to the dart player. His eyes were shining in the moonlight from the window, and his glare was piercing through him, and shook him to his core in a way he couldn't understand. Hiding this, he smiled and nodded, and exited the building. As he did, his whole body shivered from unease, and he continued up the road.

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