Chap 1

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Rain was on his way to school with his headphones in his ears as he listened to his favourite music .
He has arrived to school minutes later and he saw his friends waiting for him near the entrance of the school.
"Rain glad to see you again my brother" Pai said hugging Rain
"It's good to see you as well P'pai" Rain hugged back smiling as he finally see his friends after weeks
"You're forgetting about me" Sky said lifting a brow opening his arms for a hug
Rain smiled and engulfed him into a tight hug
"I missed you" Rain said letting go from the hug
"I missed you more Bae now let's go I heard there are some new teachers who joined the school"

The trio walked to there class and sat down on a table which was for 3 people .
They talked for the remaining time before the bell rang and people walked into the class room .
"Okay everyone I'm your new home room teacher nice to meet you my name is Mr. Anong but you can call me sir please settle down and we can do the register"
The teacher finished the register and he explained some random stuff before giving everyone their timetables

The trio checked their timetables and they had the same lessons .
Their lessons :
Home room ~ 8:00 - 8:15
Maths ~ 8:15 - 9:15
Science - 9:15 - 10:00
Free time - 10:00 - 10:45
English ~ 10:45 - 12:45 < double English >
Lunch ~ 12:45 - 1:45
Home time ~ 1:45
"Ayyye we have the same lessons" Pai smiled

"Okay class the bell will ring any second so please get ready for your class also I hope you have a good day and make some new friends"
Just as the teacher finished speaking the bell rang making the teens stand up and run out of the room to their lessons .
The 3 boys walked to their first lesson which was maths .

"Okay okay everyone I know it's the first day back but please settle down now I have a seating plan but today I'm gonna let you sit anywhere and if you ruin it then you'll be put into the seating plan do I make myself clear"
"Yes miss" everyone said as the echos went through the class
"Okay okay now register ,is ..."
The teacher did the register and everyone answered.
The class went on for so long the trio didn't understand the gibberish they were being taught
"Rain can you come up and answer this question"
Rain groaned and stood up walking to the front where the teacher handed him a pen

The question was
What is 3a x 7a
He stood there confused not knowing what the hell was written on the board
He just put a random answer
3a x 7a = 21a to the power of 2

"Good now go back to your seat thank you for actually listening this time"
Some of the students laughed and Rain rolled his eyes walking back to his seat where Pai and Sky were smirking trying to hold their laughs
"Whatever you're about to say Sky shut up I don't want to hear anything about what just happened" Rain laid his head onto the desk as the Class continued.

The class had finally ended and The trio now had science which they hated because of the stupid old , short teacher they had last year .
As they walked into the room they saw the same teacher
"For fuck sake not this bitch again" Rain thought

"Okay everyone glad to see you again sorry to say this but yall have a seating plan"
Everyone groaned hating the idea of it
"Okay so Rain you can sit in the front next to Angel since this seating plan is girl next to boy"
"Whatever" Rain walked to the seat and sat down luckily the girl wasn't in so he wouldn't have to do deal with her
The teacher assigned the seats and started the lesson , halfway through the lesson Rain almost fell asleep due to boredness .
"RAIN PAY ATTENTION OR YOULL HAVE DETENTION FOR THE WHOLE WEEK" the teacher shouted making the whole class sit up and look at the front
"Sorry sir I didn't sleep last night" Rain lied he hated the lesson so much that he'd fallen asleep from it

The teacher picked up his glasses which were falling down his nose and looked up at the class
"If anyone dares to fall asleep in this class you'll have detention for the rest of YEAR" The teacher was mad over nothing what was Rain even gonna do when he was older god knows he still hasn't thought of it cause he didn't care

:) hope you like it :)

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