Chapter Two The Birth of the Clone Army and End of Corruption

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Four years have passed since the start of the new alliance jack and ironwood have ask polendina since he was the winner since he was the first man to create an artificial created soul known as penny polendina, after the fake death of "dr Arther Watts" and join salem inner circle both Jack and ironwood hide the cloning project below atlas near by the city of mantle.

Both Jack and ironwood were at the office James was doing paperwork while Jack was looking out of the window seeing the view then they both heard the door buzzer.

Ironwood: enter.

As the doors open and come inside the room was professor polendina along with penny who was helping him.

Pietro: good morning gentlemen.

Ironwood: ah good day Dr polendina.

Jack: professor and hello penny.

Penny: salutation Mr O'Brien.

Ironwood: I believe you come by for the report of the cloning project.

Pietro: not just to report but to show you two the progress.

Jack: well it's better than being stuck with paper work.

James then puts the pen down and gets up from his chair and it's a good thing to take a break from all the paperwork his not wrong on that part.

Ironwood: alright then let us be off then.

The two follow penny and pietro towards the landing pad were a bullhead was waiting for them as they got on the took off tower the cloning facility that was on the mountain once they arrived they exited the bullhead and headed inside the facility as they reach the main research devision they meet the scientist that pietro trust more than anyone else in all of remnant.

The two follow penny and pietro towards the landing pad were a bullhead was waiting for them as they got on the took off tower the cloning facility that was on the mountain once they arrived they exited the bullhead and headed inside the facility ...

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Pietro: professor Nala Se.

Nala: ah pietro and the generals.

Unknown to the rest of atlas council ironwood had made Jack as a general since they both decided to keep it in the down low since atlas was full of corruption.

Jack: professor how gos the project.

Nala: well I can say it was a full success 10,275 patch were created and ready and more well on the way.

Ironwood: that's good news.

Pietro: with the age acceleration we were able to make the first with success and as well created a cure for them to age like a normal human.

Jack: I see, do you mind showing us around.

Nala: of course this way please.

As they walk through the facility the two generals looked at the progress they have created had come to a flourish ion and a success keeping it under the radar.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2024 ⏰

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