Prince!Dean x Commoner!Reader

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You cursed under your breath, you forgot to turn on your alarm clock and was running late. You ran outside trying to catch up to the bus that was leaving earlier than usual. You became aware that you forgot your backpack, which caused you to groan aloud. As you turned around, you hit a wall...or at least it felt like a wall. You looked up in a rush and realized you bumped into someone's chest. A damn hard as rock one.

"I'm really sorry I didn't see where- Woah. Hottie." You stumbled back a bit.

"Hello to you too ma'am. I'm Dean," he smirked.

"Yeah. Hi, Im (Y/N). I'm sorry for bumping into you. I'm just really late for school," you checked your watch, "Oh my god, it's 9:37. I'm late. Nice talking to you and Dean, you have amazing eyes." His eyes told a story and were amazingly green. He showed no emotion, but his eyes showed pain and a backstory. Just when you started walking away you heard King John Winchester call the teen you bumped into.

"You're the Prince," you sounded dumbfounded. You just don't have any time to keep up with the news. "That can't be right. I've only heard of the young prince Sam. I've never heard that he had a brother."

"Well call me a miracle, doll-face , because I'm his brother," he rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "The King isn't really fond of me." You opened your mouth about to respond when King John stepped towards you.

"Hel-", you cut yourself off and did the most reasonable thing that popped into your mind, you bowed. "Your majesty." You saw how when his father came, Dean stood taller.

"Well come on Dean. We shall be on our way back to the castle." Dean obliged and began walking away from you. "Don't be rude Dean. Invite your friend over." Your eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as Dean confidently walked towards you.

"Ma'am," he extended his arm towards you, which you took hoping he wouldn't notice how much you were shaking, "Do you want to walk or take the car?"

"Uhm. I have to go to school." You swore that you saw the emotionless princes face fall a little.

"You don't want to defy the Kings orders do you, (Y/N)?" You pondered for a bit which earned a chuckled from the prince.

"Uhm. Er- No."

"Good. Now we shall walk if that's fine with you. The castle isn't far." You smiled at him as he told the King that you guys would be walking. The King drove off and you two began walking towards the castle when a large group of girls from your school, who unsurprisingly ditched, crowded around him. You stifled a laugh when you saw his face expression. He wasn't happy. They began flirting with him and you stood in the background impatiently.

"Well, I'm pretty sure the Prince has places he needs to be, so stop gawking at him and do something useful." The leader of the group sent daggers at you and her minions did too. You just stared at them a little bored.

"What is the Prince doing with this hideous nuisance?" The leader used to be your best friend, so she knew about your insecurities.

Dean stepped away from them and put his hand on your shoulder, "Don't talk to (her/him) like that."

"Oh no," the leader softened her voice when she talked to him, "(She's/ He's) just a rat." She scowled at you. Dean laughed, but you could tell he was steaming and that he didn't laugh because he thought they were funny. He laughed because they were making a fool out of themselves.

"Is this how you treat the princes (girlfriend/boyfriend)." Now it was time for you to laugh. You smirked at the girls whose jaws were dropped.

"Oh I'm sorry-" Dean cut her off.

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