〄 Chapter 2

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Nicholas stared down at the city from the roof where he stood, he was a few buildings away from the Hypen Mafia main building,  wearing just a simple black T-Shirt and black cargo pants

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Nicholas stared down at the city from the roof where he stood, he was a few buildings away from the Hypen Mafia main building, wearing just a simple black T-Shirt and black cargo pants. He had a belt on where he strapped a couple knives and guns; better to not go unprepared with the Hypen. Nicholas watched the people leave and enter, thinking to himself as he waited to see if Tanaka would appear.

He had nothing but a baseline to go off of; Tanaka was supposedly one of the only girls, she mostly wore a black mouth mask. She apparently (to his sources) screamed 'danger'. Nicholas knew what that meant, his boss screamed danger but he never met a mafioso that shook the subordinates of AT. He didn't know what to think about that fact.

Nicholas moved to a crouch, observing carefully. Despite having 7 main members of Hypen, it was way more busy than AT. Perhaps it was just a busy day today. Nicholas hoped it wasn't like this all the time- that seemed to be a poor choice after all. Or maybe a smart one, considering that it would help the building blend in to its surroundings and not seem as suspicious.

Distracted by his thoughts, he almost missed the feminine figure that was leaving the building. He followed along the rooftops quietly, observing her.

Thin black hair that was put into a high ponytail, wearing a compression tank top and sweat pants, a mask on her face. Seems he found Tanaka Juri. As he followed, he noted that she was trying to lead him randomly. Aware that he was following.

'What a strange one.' Nicholas thought to himself.

As they reached a dead end, Nicholas jumped down and faced Tanaka Juri. He knew what they meant by her screaming danger now. She had this overwhelming aura that screamed Power and Confidence. Dangerous indeed.

"Tanaka." He greeted, holding up his hands to show he's not a threat. Tanaka remained silent, just observing him. Nicholas spoke again, "I'm not here to start anything." He said.

Tanaka narrowed her eyes, observing him. "And who are you?" She asked, her voice clipped and short.

"Nicholas, a member of the AT mafia." He replied, lowering his hands into his pockets.

Tanaka's eyes narrowed more, "The mad dog of AT."

Nicholas winced, he hated that title. He only got it after he beat up an organization brutally for dealing in Sex Trafficking. He went 'mad', insane. It was all rumors but his boss didn't do anything to stop those rumors. Nicholas had a private theory that K even was responsible for spreading those more.

Realizing she wanted an answer, he merely nodded his head, "I was sent to strike a deal with the Hypen Mafia, and as you're the representative I figured you were the best to approach." He said carefully. Now was the time to mask everything, be careful of what he said. The two groups were enemies after all and what he says could be used against him.

"A deal?" Tanaka asked.

"Yes, as I'm sure you're aware, the Serafim organization has been causing quite a stir in the hierarchy, not to mention the information they have on both of our groups is undeniably troublesome. My boss is willing to offer a temporary partnership for both our groups to work together and take them down."

Tanaka seemed to take in this information, giving nothing away but her eyes showed some mild relief?

'What is that about?' Nicholas wondered, his eyes narrowing. 'Did the Hypen group want to work with them too? But what would be the motivation unless it was just for the same reason?'

He snapped back to reality as Tanaka spoke, "I suppose our group may be...willing to agree." She said, trying to feign apathy, "Of course. I will have to go back to our base to discuss this more with our boss."

Nicholas nodded, "That's understandable. Where and when should we meet after?" He asked, remaining neutral.

Tanaka thought for a moment, "The Trian café." She said, "It's a neutral ground."

Nicholas nodded, it was a neutral ground, they had a specific rule of no fighting, and was strict to enforce it. It sat right between three territories. The Hypen territory, the AT territory, and the Seven territory. It was a good place for groups to neutrally meet.

"That works." Nicholas replied with a slight dip of his head. "Let's meet in two days."

Tanaka nodded in agreement and Nicholas felt himself relax slightly. He's gotten used to the aura that surrounded Tanaka. "Deal. No weapons."

Nicholas felt himself tense again, no weapons was practically asking for a death wish. As an executive, he never went anywhere unarmed, it was a rule for AT. "I can't do that." Nicholas said, "Two weapons only."


"One and a small switchblade."

Tanaka thought for a few moments, "Fine."

Nicholas felt himself be less tense as he nodded a goodbye, leaving Tanaka alone in the alley as he made his way back to the AT building, thinking about Tanaka. She seemed like an interesting character, but he could still not figure out why she was kept so under wraps.


Juri watched Nicholas, the mad dog, leave. She felt herself lean back against the wall as she tried to get her thoughts in order. She didn't even notice getting trailed for a while. How long was he trailing her for? And why couldn't she sense him? We're all AT members like this or was he just a special case?

She pulled down her mask, letting out a breath. That conversation made her nervous, she didn't know how to feel but she had to collect herself and get back to head quarters. She let out another breath to steady her nerves before she started making her way back to the Hypen building.

What bothered her mostly was the fact that no one except for enemies was supposed to know she existed, and now the AT mafia knew of her. What else did they know? And why did they seek her out specifically. There had to be a deeper reason besides her being the representative for Hypen.

Juri let out a dissatisfied hum as she continued walking, she might as well get food. If she came back too early then it would look suspicious on her part and she couldn't have that.

She went to a western style fast food place and got a cheeseburger, sitting at one of the outside tables as she ate, observing the passerby's. It was strange how people were so painfully normal and didn't bat an eye at her despite her hands being stained red from her mafia work. It was strange how the city was so normal despite the criminal organizations running around without a care.

As she mused to herself, Juri was unaware of the eyes watching her.


"Agent Yun, what do you have for me?"

Agent Yun straightened up as she was addressed, "Tanaka and Nicholas have had a meeting as according to plan." She spoke to the figure.

"Good to know." Agent Yun bowed before leaving.

Everything was falling into place.

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