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??? pov

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??? pov

Location country: Britain

i don't remember what happened.All this time i see this world as black and white(GHOST AND PAL REFERENCE??) but now it's different.I see the colour blue.Its comfortable but i want to get out.I hate this.The person thought as they went deeper.

Their [hair color] starts to worry because they can't breathe anymore.They tried to ask for help.But the water ate her sound.Im sorry...they thought.

I didn't mean to fail this... please forgive me.Her condition is really bad.The wound that starts to close open again.Blood coming out from the person.



Forgive me

i don't want to die yet..

please i promise i will be a good child

please give me a second change


Someone took both of their hands.They saw someone but their face is blurry.They really can't see who that is but they know it's a girl.

[hair color] suddenly woke up from their sleep.They looked around and realized this is not her room or even place.Then a tall woman with blonde hair comes to the [hair color].The [hair color] back a bit,alarmed by the tall woman.

"You don't need to worry about your savior" The woman said. "From now on im taking you under my wings.You don't need to worry,after all im the only one who understands you.."

The blonde hair girl said.You can say this room is really rich with a really comfy bed and a nice private room."What is your name?" She asked the [hair color]."[your name]..."

"well [your name] from now on you are working for me and i help you with everything i promise i give you a nice life here.."

nice life my ass.You did give me that......and blood and everything like before i meet you...but i can't hate you after all you are the one who only understands me..

{an:[your name] being found in that river at the age of 15 like i say before she only sees this world as black and white that's why i make the character like that}

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{an:[your name] being found in that river at the age of 15 like i say before she only sees this world as black and white that's why i make the character like that}


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