Chapter One

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Chapter one

"Maddie, wake up! You're going to be late for school," my mother yelled from the bottom of the stairs disturbing my peaceful sleep. I groan and roll out of bed.

"I'm up!" I walk to the bathroom that is connected to my room. I quickly wash my face and brush my teeth before making my way to the vanity in my room. There I put on some light make up; tiny amount of foundation, eyeliner and mascara. Then I quickly straighten my hair, not really caring how straight it is. I look at my phone and see that I only have seven minutes before I have to leave for school. "Shit." I mutter to myself. I quickly throw on leggings, a band shirt and my vans before running down stairs with my school stuff.

"Look who finally decided to join us," my older brother Liam says. Liam is a year older than me. I'm a junior and he's a senior. Even though we're related we're compete opposites. He's really outgoing, popular and athletic while I am awkward, sarcastic and a nerd. The only reason I'm not bullied is because Liam would beat the crap out of them. He's very overprotective and I am grateful for it, most of the time.

"You should be honored that I am gracing you with my presence," I tell him.

"No you should be honored that I waited for you and didn't make you walk to school," he retorts back. Well he's got me there. "Let's go." We walk outside to his black pickup truck and start driving to school.

When we get there the parking lot is full but there are no kids loitering around except for the school bad asses who take their time. My brother and I jump out of the car and start speed walking towards the building.

"Crap. Liam I forgot something in the car," I yell out.

"Hold onto the keys until lunch then," he says as he throws me the keys. I nod and make my way to the car to get my headphones that fell on the floor. I lock the truck back up and run into the school even though first period already started and I am late. As I walk to math I see a group of my brother's friends in the hallway. Of course they can't even be the ones I get along with, they have to be the complete douche bags. I'm just going to walk past them and hope they ignore me. But of course luck is never on my side because one of them points me out to the rest of them.

"Hello Madeleine sleep in late?" A boy who I recognize as Brain says with a devious smirk.

"It's none of your business. Now if you will excuse me I need to get too class."

"Of course the nerd can't miss class," he says mockingly. He steps closer and grabs my arm. "How about we go have some fun in an empty classroom," he whispers in my ear.

"How about no," I say disgusted.

"C'mon babe no one will know about it."

"I said no now let go," I say.

"Is there a problem here?" A voice with an Australian accent says. I gulp. The only people with an accent are the group of bad asses that moved here last year. I've only spoke to one of them once when they first moved here. He complimented my Cobain shirt and I thanked him. We never spoke after that. Everyone is scared of them. They have been since the four boys first moved here. Maybe it's because of the way they dress or the many fights they get into. I've never been afraid of them, they seem like generally nice guys. I always see them laugh and joke with each other.

"Uh um no their uh isn't a problem," Brian stuttered. The rest of the group disappeared. Wow what great friends they are.

"Great so you won't mind if I talk to Maddie, would you?" Ashton, the boy who I spoke too last year, challenged. Brian being the coward he is shoves me towards Ashton and runs away like a scared little kid. I trip and I see the floor getting closer and closer to my face. I feel hands grab my waist and host me up back on my feet.

"Thanks for that and for saving me from Brian. I appreciate it." I tell him gratefully. He just nods and walks away. Alright then that was kinda rude but whatever.

Lunch time finally rolls around and I am starving. Well I was starving until I realized that I usually sit with my brother and his friends which includes Brian. Maybe I can sit somewhere else today? But I have no idea where. I don't exactly have friends, just people I occasionally talk to. Girls only try to be friend because they want in my brother's pants. I scan the room for a table to sit at when my eyes land on a table in the back that is isolated from the others. I smirk as I make my way to the four boys who occupy it.

"Hey guys," I greet as I sit down next to Michael, across from Ashton. Ashton's eyes widen, Calum and Michael start giggling and Luke looks amused.

"What are you doing here," Luke asked curiously.

"We don't remember inviting you to sit with us," Ashton says kinda harshly. Not going to lie that hurt me in the feels just a tad bit.

"Free country I shall sit where I feel like sitting."

"Did you just say shall," Michael asks amused.

"I did indeed."

"I like you," Michael says. "You are welcome to join us for lunch any time, right boys?" Calum and Luke nodded immediately while Ashton was hesitant yet still agreed.

"Wow thanks I feel honored," I say.

"As you should peasant," Calum says jokingly.

Lunch is surprisingly fun with the boys. We joke around and we even have common interests. I no longer have to hear about the latest gossip, spray tans and other superficial stuff I don't care about. I'm having a great time and there is no doubt that I will be joining them tomorrow. That is until I look over and spot a very angry brother marching over to the table.

"Hello brother dear. What brings you here?" I say innocently.

"I should be asking you the same thing," he says.

"I wanted to sit here is there a problem with that?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Yes you didn't tell me you weren't sitting with me, I didn't see you walk in and you have my car keys."

"Oh yeah," I grab his keys and toss them to him. "Here ya go bro."

"I was worried you took off in my car."

"Afraid I was gonna crash it?"

"I was actually only afraid you were going to scratch it but now thinking about it you are probably more likely to crash."

"I am not that bad of a driver and it hurts that you think that," I say with mock hurt.

"Alright let's go Maddie," my brother says.

"Go where?"

"To our table."

"I sat here for a reason Liam."

"So you're not going to sit with me?"


"Fine." he turns and addresses the boys," If you hurt her in any way I will not hesitate to introduce you to my fist." Then he just walks away.

"Well that was entertaining," Michael says.

"Sorry about him," I say.

"He's protective of you, that's good," Luke says. We continue eating our lunch and make a few jokes here and there. Then the bell rings signaling the end of lunch. I groan as we all stand up.

"Hey Maddie," Calum starts.

"We're all going to my place after school. Do you wanna come?" Michael asks.

"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude."

"You had no problem with that when you came to our lunch table," Luke teases. I blush slightly.

"We think you're cool and fun to be around so why not hang with us?" Calum says.

"No need to bust her ego," Ashton says jokingly. He actually began to get comfortable with me during lunch and I am happy about that.

"So will you come," Michael asks with a puppy dog expression. I can't resist the puppy eyes.

"I guess I can fit it into my schedule," I say. They all look at me with huge grins.

"Cool so meet us outside after school and Michael will drive us," Luke says. I nod and say goodbye to the four boys before making my way to chemistry.

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