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A Dragonborn stands in the middle of the training grounds, surrounded by five of her clanmates. These five were trainees in their final two weeks of training to protect the clan. One is blue, another copper, two are white, and the last is green. The Dragonborn in the middle is gold and is a paladin, nearly ready to swear an oath. This Paladin is Fenvayla, daughter of Thuurrhek, the Elder of the Vimmacmuuk clan.

Just three months ago, an onslaught of mercenaries attacked the clan, and Fenvayla was one of the first to mount a defense. Facing the enemy head-on, she successfully defended the Great Hall when a large human male appeared before her.

"So, you are the one who thwarted my advance on your ruler." the man angrily said.

"You must be leading this attack on my people," Fenvayla deduced, "who are you?"

"I am Cyrus Zadok, leader of the Blackguard Mercenary Company." the man replied. "Not that an isolated village of overgrown lizards would know."

This insult would anger many dragonborns but not Fenvayla. Determined to protect her clan, not even petty insults could make her falter.

"Resorting to insults? That one's not even original." Fenvayla calmly said.

"ENOUGH! I'll kill you and wear your scales as a trophy!" Cyrus shouted and charged Fenvayla, full of barbaric rage; great axe held high.

Fenvayla raised her shield to block. It was heavier than she expected when the strike came, and she nearly lost her balance. Cyrus took this opportunity to swing at her wildly, but Fenvayla managed to dodge and countered with her sword, slashing him across the chest. Now more enraged, Cyrus came down with his axe, but Fenvayla stepped out of the way and plunged her sword through his chest. She withdrew her sword, and Cyrus fell to his knees as Fenvayla spun around and cut through his neck, and he fell to the ground dead, blood pooling around him.

Good riddance, Fenvayla thought to herself. She looked to the rooftops, and she saw something. She tried to make it out, but whatever it was, it ran away almost as soon as she saw it. She stood there wondering what it could've been when a commanding voice returned her to her senses.

"Fenvayla," the voice said, "are you alright?"

She turned to the voice and saw her father, a silver dragonborn paladin, running up to her halberd in hand.

"I'm fine, Father," she said, "he's not." She gestured to Cyrus.

"Who was that," Thuurrhek inquired.

"Cyrus Zadok." Fenvayla replied, "He and his Blackguard mercenaries led the attack."

"Well, get moving. We still have mercenaries to get rid of." Thuurrhek commanded.

The clean-up of the mercs went relatively smoothly. Most of their forces were killed attempting to assault the Great Hall before Cyrus fell, so there weren't many more in the village. In the aftermath, all mercs were dead, and many dragonborn were dead or injured, and several more would die from their injuries. Fenvayla was awarded the Medallion of the Elder for her courage and heroism, the highest honor, and was promoted to captain.

In the following weeks, many young Dragonborn coming of age would join the village guard, hoping this would never happen again. One of these groups of trainees would stand out from the rest, and Fenvayla wanted to test them. So here she stood; the five trainees circled her. The copper one charged Fenvayla warhammer held high. Fenvayla dogged with ease and shoved him to the ground. The blue one launched a firebolt at her but missed, followed by the green one shooting an arrow, but the shield caught it. One of the white trainees cast Sacred Flame, but it failed, and the other charged forward with his shield simultaneously and hit Fenvayla. This attack allowed the copper trainee to get back up and charge back in for another attack, but he was again blocked by Fenvayla, who used Wrathful Smite on him, which frightened him. The blue trainee hurled another firebolt at Fenvayla, but it missed as she ducked, sending it into the green trainee. It hit him enough to mess up his shot, with the arrow landing short. The first white trainee cast Guiding Bolt at Fenvayla. It hit and engulfed her in a searing radiance, and a dim light shone off her body. The second white trainee landed a blow as Fenvayla recoiled from the Guiding Bolt. The copper trainee disengaged and ran from Fenvayla, who elbowed the second white trainee. The blue trainee cast another firebolt and hit Fenvayla, but it had little effect.

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