Chapter 8: The Nobleman

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This one's a little steamy by the way 😋 But not that bad, lol.

I huffed as I sat against the door, catching my breath.

"Heli, did you forget about us?"

Ghosts, but it was impossible. Nothing could penetrate, through the door.

"Heli..." it cackled.
"Shut up!"

The voice stopped and footsteps echoed in the distance.

"Heli." his soft voice whispered.

I didn't answer, I didn't want to. There was no point.

"Did I do something?"

I breathed in and punched the door.

"The problem is that you held my hand and said those words and...."

It made me think of someone caring for me. When no one should. Especially after all the stress you've caused.

A little droplet at the sides of my eyes. Don't cry, you idiot. Fools like me with no worth shouldn't be alive. I sighed and creaked the door open.

Deep, soft voice luring me into chains. Deepening a bond, yet it's still somehow, somewhere in there, affection. Affection. A word I rarely used in novels because nothing is affection. Everything is done for our dirty, little selfish wants and needs. That's the way of life, it's what I knew.

"I should be happy I won, but was it what I really wanted?"

My voice cracked and I looked away.

"It's okay, I know how you feel. If it hurts too much, you don't have to say anything."

I can't take it anymore. His presence would only be too much, and I couldn't...

I constantly remind myself of it, but somehow while avoiding the vampire for a week, completely stopping any conversation, he still stays next to me.

Life still resumes and it sucks as always, but I have to go on. For the sake of survival. At the manoir, people have gathered up and the maids carrying plates around, chefs seasoning sizzling meats.

By the golden gate of the garden, the guests are welcomed in. I open the gates and bow my head towards the guests.

At the dinner table, I clear the counters and serve a few meals. The room is noisy and chaotic, with people rushing through.

"You're too slow you useless creature!" the mistress shrieks, slapping the back of my head.
"Go tend the gardens!" The duke cries out.

I nodded and ran through the field of grass. I huffed, watering the beautiful magnolias. I looked out in the distance to see a noble presenting a late arrival. I bowed my head and handed him a magnolia.

"What a sweet servant." the familiar low voice chuckled.

I turned my head up, looking at him straight in his red pupils. The duke walked out and kicked my shin.

"Bow at his knees, insolent animal! You are tiring our guest."

I went on my knees, not daring to give one glance. Lilith gripped my chin, looking down into my eyes.

"Where have you been all these years, M-Mister Lilith?"
"Somewhere I am not forced to tell you."
"Why, of course! My apologies."
"Hm. Bring the servant along."
"May I ask w-"

He death-glared him in response. The duke cleared his throat, and guided the way.

"I wish to be alone with the servant."
"S-sir, that would be-"
"Don't interrupt me. Perhaps I could arrange to keep him as my servant."
"Ah, I understand, he's a little sloppy I must admit."
"I don't care. See, my mistress has taken quite a liking to this...servant. If you know what I mean. He would make a good pet for her. How unfortunate she couldn't come today."
"I understand. I would be happy for the arrangement haha!"

The noble left us alone in a room, which was surprising, considering the status between me and this vampire.

"Who is the mistress?"
"I am the mistress."

I looked away and sighed.

"Why aren't you talking?"
"Well, I suddenly feel more inferior to you."
"How strange, the only time you'll ever need to feel that way is never."
"T-thank you."

He dragged me by the sleeve and left the manor.

"W-wait! I can't just leave!"
"Don't worry, I've already made the transaction. So, I ask you this, can I kill them now?"
"No way."
"Hm. Okay."

He whistled and a horse ran towards us. He straddled on and helped me onto the steed. The horse neighed and galloped to the palace.

The palace was tall and resembled mostly a castle. It was dark, with vines slithering in between the creases of the building. The inside was the polar opposite. The stone walls were decorated with lights and the floor was carpeted with a blue colour. I skipped across the hallways, observing the large empty rooms. At the end of the hallway, a tiny polished library stood untouched.

The books were varied, with elegant covers and sections of genres. The first book I slipped into my hands was the one I've always wanted. The large books of adventures across the world! I opened another one, and it was made by one of my favorite writers. My heart was beating faster in excitement.

"Do you like it?"
" it."
"I knew you would. Let's explore this part later."

He dragged me into the nearby kitchen.

"The mistress is calling." he teased.
"Very funny."

He laughed hysterically at the ridiculous words. I stared at him, shaking my head.

"How did you convince the Duke that fast?"
"Ah, that...well, we have a history. I won't bore you with the story."
"Let me almost killed Jim or something."
"You're quick-witted!"

I sighed. He brought out some bottles of alcohol, and set them out on the table.

"So, would you like to taste some fine liquor?"
"It looks like wine."
"My mistake. Are you ready for a challenge?"
"Vampires can drink?"
"Yes, as long as it's not pure water."
"This is starting to look like a date with the candles."
"Maybe so."
"Alright, I'll drink it. And I bet I can drink more than you."

That was the one competition I won with him. Except, it didn't bring good results.

Lilith was staggering as he slurred his words. I decided to say whatever was on my mind, since he looked barely conscious.

"Your hair..."
"It looks...soft."

I reached out and slid my fingers through the laces of his ruffled hair. He looked down, the expression on his face unreadable.

He hiccuped and creases formed on the sides of his mouth, his eyes glowing yellow, taunting me with his stare.

"I love you, Heli..."
"What do you want?"

He paused for a moment and leaned his head on my shoulder, taking a breath.

"I want you...H-Heli..."

I reached out to him and my hands shook. My hands were on his cheeks now, and I stared in at his half-closed eyes.

"You're not in the right mind."

He hiccuped and stared at me.

"I don't care~" he slurred.

I glanced at his soft lips trembling and I kissed him on the lips impulsively, like my body had a mind of its own.

He leaned in and planted his lips on mine. His tongue slipped across my lips, and I couldn't breathe. My body was heating the more I felt his mouth on mine. He let go, and looked down at me, caressing my face.

"Shit." he mumbled.

I'm back :) Miss me? You don't have to answer that. Anyways, happy Pride month, here's a little perk for it, haha. My finals are coming up, so updates will probably not be determined. :(

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