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Satan sighs as he reads his book, silence filling the room. As he flipped through the pages, there was a knock on his door.
He jumped from his seat and rushed to the sound.

"I'm coming, calm down."

He opened the door to find MC standing there.

"Well good evening precious, what do you need?"
"Satan, I want to ask you something!"
MC barges in with no shame. Satan follows their movement with a smile on his face.

"What is it?" He says, sitting down on the bed as MC sat beside him.
MC searches through his books until they found the one they were looking for.

"Ahah!" They exclaim.
"So that's where my romance novel was hiding. I'm surprised you found it."
"I want to recreate a scene!"
Satan glances at their eyes--- filled with a loving expression.
"Which scene, my dear?"

MC searches for a page they remember from when them and Satan wrote the novel. They found the exact page.

"This scene! The one where the main character and love interest share their feelings."

"You want us to share our feelings... right now?" He chuckles.
MC nods. Satan didn't expect that straightforward answer from them.
With no further hesitation, Satan kneels down and faces MC, his hand in theirs.

"Alright, I'll start. MC, you are an extravagant human being. I am grateful for every second you have spent here in Devildom with us. You truly are breathtakingly, the sweetest little sheep around."

MC stares at him, their eyes locking with Satan's. They both chuckle, Satan finally standing up and taking MC into his arms.

"It's your turn to share, dear."

"Well, I'm not good with words... but do you know what else I'm good at?"

"And what is that, my little sheep?"

MC leaned closer, wrapping their arms around Satan's neck. Their lips almost touching, Satan goes in for a kiss. The silhouettes of their romantic moment reflected by the moon.
Once they both pulled away, MC giggles and traced Satan's lips with their thumb.

"I'm really good at body language."

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