Birthname: 金珉碩 (Kim Minseok)
Surname: Kim (金) -> Gold
Given name: Minseok (珉碩) | Min (珉) -> a stone resembling jade | Seok (碩) -> large or great
Meaning: A great jade-like stone
Stage name: 秀珉 (beautiful/handsome + jade-like stone)
Birthname: 鹿晗 (Lu Han)
Surname: Lu (鹿) -> Deer
Given name: Han (晗) -> pre-dawn, breaking dawn
Meaning: Pre-dawn, breaking dawn
Stage Name: Same as birthname
Birthname: 李嘉恒 (Li Jiaheng / Eng.: Kevin Li), he changed it later for unknown reasons to 吴亦凡 (Wu Yifan / Eng.: Kris Wu)
Surname: Li (李) -> Common surname like the korean 'Lee', can mean Plum | Wu (吴) -> Family name without any special meaning other than it is the name of an ancient kingdom in China (Btw, it's the same as Sehun's last name, only chinese reading)
Given name:
Jiaheng (嘉恒) | Jia (嘉) -> fine, good, excellent | Heng (恒) -> permanent, constant Yifan (亦凡) | Yi (亦) -> also, again, can be | Fan (凡) -> mediocre, ordinary, common, human
Meaning: 1. consistently great 2. can be ordinary/like a human (implying that he is greater and beyond that but is willing to lower himself for others)
Stage Name: English given name
Birthname: 金俊勉 (Kim Joonmyun)
Surname: Kim (金) -> Gold
Given name: Joonmyun (俊勉) | Joon (俊) -> talented, capable | Myun (勉) -> endeavor, make effort
Meaning: Talented & hardworking
Stage Name: 守護 / 수호 (Suho) -> Guardian, Patron
Birthname: 张艺兴 (Zhang Yixing)
Surname: Zhang (张) -> family name without any special meaning, can also mean to spread or stretch out
Given name: Yixing (艺兴) | Yi (艺) -> art, craft | Xing (兴) -> prosper, flourish, interest
Meaning: Prospering in arts
Stage Name: -
Birthname: 邊伯賢 (Byun Baekhyun)
Surname: Byun (邊) -> family name without any special meaning, can mean edge though
Given name: Baekhyun (伯賢) | Baek (伯) -> elder, older brother | Hyun (賢) -> virtuous, good
Meaning: Wise and virtuous
Stage Name: Same as birthname
Birthname: 金鍾大 (Kim Jongdae)
Surname: Kim (金) -> Gold
Given name: Jongdae (鍾大) | Jong (鍾) -> clock, bell, chimes | Dae (大) -> large, big
Meaning: Great bell
Stage Name: 晨 (morning/daybreak)
Birthname: 朴찬열 (Park Chanyeol)
Surname: Park (朴) -> surname which can mean simple or (magnolia) tree
Given name: Chanyeol (찬열) | His name is special because it is not written with Hanja (Korean chinese characters) but a Hangul (native alphabet) name. Chanyeol derives from "Alchan Yeolmae" (알찬열매) which translates to | Alchan (알찬) -> fruitful/profitable | Yeolmae (열매) -> fruit
Meaning: Derivation of fruitful fruit
Stage Name: Same as birthname
Birthname: 都暻秀 (Do Kyungsoo)
Surname: Do (都) -> family name without any special meaning, can mean metropolis, capital though
Given name: Kyungsoo (暻秀) | Kyung (暻) -> bright | Soo (秀) -> flowering, luxuriant
Meaning: Bright & flowering
Stage Name: His surname
Birthname: 黃子韬 (Huang Zitao)
Surname: Huang (黃) -> Yellow
Given name: Zitao (子韬) | Zi(子) -> child, offspring | Tao (韬) -> art of war or conceal
Meaning: Son of a man of war or a humble son
Stage Name: Same as birthname, though it can also mean peach (桃)
Birthname: 金鍾仁 (Kim Jongin)
Surname: Kim (金) -> Gold
Given name: Jongin (鍾仁) | Jong (鍾) -> cup, glass, bottle | In (仁) -> humanity, benevolence, charity
Meaning: Spreading (?) kindliness, benevolence
Stage Name: short from the chinese 开门 (kāimén) which means 'to open doors'
Birthname: 吳世勳 (Oh Sehun)
Surname: Oh (吳) -> family name, same as Kris
Given name: Sehun (世勳) | Se (世) -> world, society | Hun (勳) -> meritorious deed or merits
Stage Name: Serving the world meritoriously
All About K-pop
Non-FictionI don't own any of it I just [copy paste] some of it from the internet. {Credit to the owners.} This contains K-pop profiles, and facts. Enjoy reading. :) P/S: (This is a male version.)