Chapter 12

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Aishwarya looked at the scenery and remembered past things.

Aishwarya came back home and said that she won't marry Kavin. Her aunt slapped her.

They were after her wealth but she never realised that. According to the will, she must marry when she is 22 years to get the wealth. If she marries before the wealth will go to her uncle. That's why , her uncle wanted to get her married by 21.

They locked her in a house and barely fed her anything. She starved for days. All she realised was that some people used to threat her uncle for money.

Then, finally, the day came. Her uncle wanted her to eat poisonous food so she could die.

She understood his plans and refused to eat. She grabbed a nearby knife and stabbed his legs. Her aunt tried to stop her but she banged her head on the table.

She fought her cousins too. In the fight, they messed up with some wires and a short circuit occured. She tried to escape. But, the door opened and revealed Prateek. He saw everything and gave her a chance. A chance to get justice.

He saved her and she saw her uncle's family burn infront of her own eyes.

Prateek gave her the name Phantom as in "ghost". She was supposed to be dead but she was not. This way, she was indebted to him forever.

At first, it was small things . She used to help poor people fight their cases without charging any money. But, things slowly took a different turn.

Prateek forced her to stole secret papers and fight against terrorists. Somedays later, she became the target of these terrorists.

She had no other option. She had to fight these terrorists. She couldn't take the help of police because some of the higher-ups were corrupted. If they got to know her real identity, they will kill her then and there.

So, she had to survive....

Flashback end.

Sree thought about his meet with Prateek.

Flashback starts.

Sree was in the jail . His inmates were merciless. They used to bully him. They even made him starve .

Finally, the government assigned a lawyer to him. That lawyer, Prateek believed him only. Prateek tried his level best to save Sree.

He somehow caught the real gang responsible for the question paper leak, blackmailed them and forced them to save Sree.

Then, he recruited Sree for Clover. Sree was smart when it came to tech stuff. At first, it was normal things even though it was illegal. He used to steal money from money launderer's accounts and then made sure the real owner got the money back.

He could easily manipulate things. Thus, slowly slowly he climbed the ranks.But, suddenly Prateek tried to force him to hack innocent people's bank accounts.

Sree had already committed crime by hacking people's accounts even though they were evil. He knew the police wouldnt help him. So, he went to Sid and Aishwarya for help.

Flashback ends

Siddharth thought about his story too. Surprisingly, he met Prateek during a deal.

Flashback starts.
Prateek met Sid during a business deal. They had a drink together and talked about numerous stuffs.

Siddharth's own grandmother had committed suicide because her husband's killer was never caught and she never got justice.

That's why, Sid always had a grudge against injustice. At first,he used to convince people to fight for their justice and helped them in small works.

Prateek slowly manipulated him. What started with small lies soon turned into bigger things.

Then, Sree told him that Prateek had sold his soul to the terrorists. When Sid tried to protest against Prateek, he threatened Sid that he would kill Nidhi.

After Prateek died, the group that killed him started to suspect Siddharth. Sid became worried that they might try to kill Nidhi too. Nidhi was his only weak point.

So,Siddharth made a plan. A risky plan. He tried to divorce Shreya to keep her and Nidhi safe. Then, he hatched a fake plan... he planned his own death in order to keep his loved ones safe.

Flashback ends.

All three of them knew,justice or not what they were doing was bad.

But, by the time,they realised it,it was too late.

Siddharth made a tough decision. Getting away from Nidhi, he knew Shreya would definitely marry Daya if she had the chance.

So, he wanted to divorce her so that Nidhi could get a better life, a better and a reputed dad who was not a criminal. And she would be safe

He looked at Sree and Aishwarya. Both of them didn't have drawbacks like him. But, it wasn't easy for them either.

Prateek fooled them by mentioning justice but it was now their time to bring true justice to light

That whole game with CID was unnecessary. But, it was needed so that they can disappear in the dark and help them from the dark.

They will help all police force. In the eyes of police, these three might be criminals but they know that they are somewhere in the grey area.

Clover was gone for good.

But , Shadow,Phantom and Hunter will always help people who need justice.

Siddharth smiled thinking maybe if he were a CID officer all of this wasn't needed. But, that's not the case.

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