-Since That Day I've Hated the Sun-

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Miku trudged down the street. The heat from the sun was causing her to slow down. She took out her water bottle from her backpack and took a big gulp. The heat was so unbearable!

She put her water bottle away, and wiped the sweat from her forehead. 'Of course it had to be the hottest day ever. I feel like I'm gonna die!' Miku thought to herself as she continued on her way.

"Excuse me..?" A small feminine voice called out.
Miku turned around to see a taller pink haired girl dressed in the same school uniform as her. Miku remembered seeing her around school, but she never spoke to her. "I was wondering if you knew the way to school?"

Miku nodded at her question. "Yup! It's just a few more blocks away," Miku chirped. 'Did she some how forget how to get to school?' She thought. The girl mumbled a small thank you, and Miku started to walk again.

"Wait!" The girl called out to her once more. "Can we walk together?" She asked. Miku turned back and shrugged. "Sure I guess."

"I'm sorry if I'm troubling you. I've just never walked to school before," the girl said, speeding up to walk side by side with Miku. She seemed like a ditzy girl, but Miku was fine with it.
"It's no trouble really! I'm Hatsune Miku by the way!" She smiled at the pink haired girl. "I'm Megurine Luka. It's nice to meet you, Miku."

The rest of the walk was calm to say the least. They talked about their classes, and their hobbies. They made it to school just in time.
When they arrived they both went their separate ways, waving silently to each other. Miku watched as Luka ran of to class.

She let out a sigh and headed to her own class.

As soon as she stepped in the room, her friend Rin ran up to her with a suspicious expression upon her face. "I saw." She mumbled, putting her hands on her hips. "Saw what?" Miku inquired.
"You and Luka," said Rin.

"So what?" Miku asked, making her way past Rin and sitting at her desk. Rin ran over to Miku's desk, and pinched her cheek. "You do know who Luka Megurine is right?" She asked, a smirk growing across her face.

She pulled her hand away, and Miku rubbed her cheek. "That hurt, and no," she said. "Luka Megurine is an heir to a very successful company!" Rin exclaimed, flailing her arms around. "What does that have to do with me?" Miku asked. "You shouldn't associate with royalty," Rin said, putting up her index finger.

Miku rolled her eyes at her weird friend. She was a little shocked at the fact that Luka was on such a high level. She just didn't seem that prestigious...

The teacher came in, and class began.

Miku couldn't help, but think about what Rin had told her all throughout class. 'I don't think Luka would mind if I approached her once more...' She thought.
After class it was about time for lunch. "Miku! Neru and I were going to stay in class and eat," Rin said motioning towards where the blonde, Neru sat looking as bored as ever. "Are you staying with us?"

The teal haired girl shook her head. "No, not today. I have a prior engagement." Rin looked a little hurt by this, but she waved her off anyways.

Rin sighed, "Geez...She left quickly." Neru walked over to the doorway and watched Miku walk away.
"What'd think she gonna go do?" Neru asked. Rin shrugged. "I'm not sure."

"Eh? You wanna eat with me?"

Miku quickly found Luka while she was strolling down the hall. She'd invited Luka to go eat with her. Luka seemed surprised by her sudden invitation, but she accepted it. "So where are we going?" She asked. "The rooftop is really nice," Luka suggested. "There's a great view, and there's a lot of fresh air."

"Uh, okay! I've never been up there before, but if you say that it's nice then that's fine." Miku said, even though it was hotter than hell out there, she still agreed.
It was still super hot out and Miku felt like she was dying once again. Luka seemed fine though and she was happily eating her lunch. "Miku? Are you okay?" She asked. Miku put on her best smile and waved her hand. "I'm fine, I'm fine."

Luka put a hand on Miku's forehead. "You're burning up!" She exclaimed. "You need to get to the nurse's office!" Miku shook her head. "No! It's just the heat-" She suddenly felt very dizzy...The whole world was spinning. "Miku! I'll take you to the nurse!" Luka struggled to pick up the 'half dead' girl, but she was eventually able to pick her up bridal style. She could hear her mumble something inaudible, but she didn't have time to worry about that right now. Her main priority was getting her some help.
A/N: Sorry for the abrupt ending, but my hands are getting tired. About, Mute, I'm kinda more interested in this story right now, but I might continue that one later on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2015 ⏰

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