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"HEY! If anyone is out there get us out of this place!" One voice echoed through, it sounded as if the voice was giving orders instead of asking politely like the others had, but the boys shrugged it off and went towards the location of the voice.

"Hello, we are here, could you guys please move away from the wall from which you guys see the rubble getting removed from, so you don't get accidentally hit by the debris." Jin requested.

"Yeah, yeah, fine, just get us out of here, fast." The voice sounded annoyed.

The seven boys quickly began removing the rubble, they were almost done with getting rid of the debris when the idols on the other side screamed, "Get us out already you slow bastards!"

The members got confused, these idols were unnecessarily rude, they were trying their best to work as fast as they could but their injuries made them a bit slower.

"We are sorry for the time it is taking but we are trying our best to be as quick as we can be." Jungkook called at the top of his voice to make sure he was heard.

"Whatever, just hurry up, we have fans to get to." The voice said, clearly irritated.

The boys shook it off and eventually there was enough space cleared in the wreckage for the idols to come out.

"Ah finally, these fools did their work." The one that crawled out first, said, two more idols were still crawling out and they hadn't seen who saved them because of the darkness. The other two laughed as they crawled out.

Jin offered them his hand to get up but the one who was talking the most, presumably their leader, slapped it away, only then did the three idols look up, one of them gasped in shock but the others smirked.

"Oh look the old wretches are back." The leader snickered.

The seven boys ignored the harsh words.

"Are you all okay?" Taehyung asked.

"Do you mind if we check you for injuries?" Hoseok questioned, both him and Taehyung slowly went up to the younger idols, the seven boys genuinely thought that the three younger ones were just frustrated and scared so they were acting angry and saying such things.

"Save it." The leader glowered at the two older boys, he smirked and punched Taehyung right where he saw the blood staining his overshirt, one of his members stuck his leg out and the older idol tripped and fell to the ground, coughing up blood once again. The younger idol then turned to Hoseok, he kicked him and then pushed him, deliberately making him fall on his stomach, which landed on the jagged edge of a piece of debris, there was a big gash across his abdomen. The three idols laughed.

The other five felt their anger boil, Hoseok and Taehyung, their Sunshine and Taetae were suffering and these new ignorant idols were laughing at their misery. Who were they to do so?

But the five first prioritized their brothers, they sat down next to both of them and tried to get them to sit up, both of them needed support to sit up, Jin sat next to Hoseok, letting him lean on his shoulder while Taehyung used Yoongi as an anchor to keep sitting.

"Why did you push them?" Jungkook glared at the leader, his eyes were practically glowing red from anger but his bangs were in the way.


The injured members sensed Jungkook getting angry, and if he got too angry, things would turn nasty.

"K-kook-" Hoseok croaked out.

"I-It's o-okay, n-no n-need to ge-t a-angry." Taehyung coughed out, his coughs grew more harsh, his whole body shook violently, Yoongi patted his back, trying to get the coughs to stop but before anyone could do anything, his eyes began drooping and soon they were shut tightly, Yoongi winced at the sudden weight being pressed on him as Taehyung passed out. Namjoon quickly rushed over and helped his hyung reposition Taehyung to lean against a rock, and then they tried to get him back to consciousness.

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