Remembering Remembering

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Do you remember remembering? It was something we used to do once. It is something I still do. I know I shouldn't remember, especially not about remembering. Remembering is banned. Just like everything else. Just like books. Just like schools. Just like people. If we remember them, then we might miss them. That would make people upset. It makes me upset. Remembering remembering. I fear they will come.

They say that they will come if you remember. They watch you. They track you. They know what I've done. I remembered and I remember. They did that to the neighbors. The Jones, if I remember. It's hard to remember them. They said they watched an old movie. It made them happy. I wonder if they are still happy. Even down there.

That is another thing that is banned: wondering. If you wonder, you come up with new ideas. You might even remember old ideas that you like. Wondering what would be better can make you upset. They don't want that.

I often wonder. I wonder about books, schools, people. I wonder what it would be like to remember them. To see their faces again. To hear their voices. It makes me sad that I never will. That is why they will come. I have wondered and I have remembered. They don't like that. I will soon join the Jones deep below. I wonder if I will be happy down there. I remember they were.

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