Chapter 3

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Who knew that the days before wedding would be so stressful and tiring?
I was so damn tired when all this happened in only few weeks. The preparations were a tough part and especially when I had to greet random a*s people who visited me and my parents legit every single day, just to talk about the wedding arrangements, Like dude just wait until the wedding, why are you asking before hand!
I could never understand them...And especially Eiser! Whats wrong with him! He would always call me after 8:00 p.m. when I would retire to my room. Its like he could literally see me through my window because how else TF would he know I came to my room at that hour!
I know I'm overthinking again but trust me, it's too real to be just a thought. He would always call me and bug me about it. At one point I thought of just ending my life... but I couldnt let my expensive wedding dress just go to waste. If I was gonna have to die anyway, I just had to make sure I died AFTER my wedding because I wanted to obviously show off my dress, DUH!!!
Anyway in the end the wedding was just 1 night away, and so on that night I called Ava over and we just talked and predicted how the wedding would go tomorrow.
"Baby girl, I'll gaurantee that everyone's jaws will drop as soon as they see you entering the hall", Ava spoke as she admired the wedding dress that hung onto my closet. I could see the glimmer in her eyes like she was ready to set the house on fire or something, whatever she was thinking right now, she looked pretty scary, I had to admit that...
"Uhm you look like you're ready to bomb this place up Dottie", I said as I looked at her for a second and then back again to stare hard at my phone.
We both were in my bedroom sitting on either side of a table in front of  my bed and it was past 8:30 p.m. now. Ava kept on munching some crisps while scrolling at her phone and I stared hard at my phone's blank screen. I probably looked like a weirdo as my eyes were glued to the screen but I couldnt help it. It's like I couldnt tear my  eyes away from the empty screen. 
Ava noticed how concentrated I was on glaring at my phone, she peered through to see what I was staring so hard at and when she realized my screen was completely black, she made a are-you-kidding-me face and said in a way that made me flinch," B*tch are you in your right mind".
I finally looked up to find Ava pursing her lips as she slightly frowned at me. 
"What did that black screen show you something  so important that now you're gawking at it," she said as I bit my lower lip.
"U-uh its nothing", I said, hoping she would just continue to do her own business. 
"No its something," Ava responded, nodding her head.
I sighed. I knew it was useless to distract her now that she was going to ask me again and again about what I saw. See thats why I like her, she always pokes her nose into my business and then helps me as well.
I sighed heavily this time before I could come up with a lie and then said," Its nothing really I'm just... figuring out where the light on the screen comes from since it has no light to make it light up-"
"B!tch I want the truth", she said firmly, now crossing her arms.
I rolled my eyes after she said that. Before I could utter a single word she suddenly jerked up in  her chair, pointed her finger to somewhere in the air and said," Oh I know now! Is it that you're... waiting for your dear fiance to call you now since its past eight?"
"What! Of couse not! never in a million yea-",
"You're terrible at lying girl, and you know that", she declared.
'Well that was a bit harsh...".
"Idc, now... confess it", she hissed.
 Shoot! I had completely forgot that I had told her about this recent... thing? about him calling me after eight.
Well don't blame me, I couldnt not  possibly say these kinds of things to Ava. She had to know about this basically (Now I'm starting to regret it though) because how else was she gonna find an excuse to peek through my things. To be frank, I trust Ava more than my mum, no wait, more than MY OWN life. She's like my partner in crime, my other half, my second soul, my bosom buddy and specially my BEST FRIEND! So how can I not tell her these things? Even if I dont want to, I still spill out anyways.
I sighed yet again and smiled at her in a you-caught-me way.
"Aha! So you're waiting for him to call you, arent you!", she shrieked in excitement, in a way Elon Musk would if he found water on Mars.
"Well not exac-",
"Damn, that man got you fallin' deep in love with him. And he didnt even try that hard to catc-"
"Dont get the wrong idea, I would NEVER fall in love, especially with a guy as annoying as that jerk", I said loudly as I slammed my fist on the table and got up from my chair to point at her.
"Nah girl, I know it way too well", she replied back, narrowing her eyes as she smiled cunningly at me and slowly shook her head.
I rolled my eyes as I sat back and leaned deeper into my chair  and crossed my arms. I rolled my eyes and said," Whatever. But its not what you think it is, its's weird that he's not calling".
"Girl trust me, you are just wanting him to call you, you're WAITING for him to call you", she said as she waved her hand lazily in front of me.
"Nu-uh", I said as I narrowed my eyes.
"Uh-huh", came her reply," you've just never been in a relationship before that's why", she said as she put her hand to her chest proudly and closed her eyes, smiled, and said", I've been in multiple relationships, I know what it's lik-"
"Well technically I'm not really waiting for him to call me. Its just that I have this tinkling feeling that he is causing trouble whenever he is silent. Like what if he's right outside the window and spying on us", I finally said as I pointed towards the window. 
Ava just sighed as she ate some more crisps and said while spitting bits of it out of her mouth," girl, it's only a matter of time before the scientists and doctors and whoever finds a cure for you're overthinking, and! When they do so, you'll be the first to try it. Dont worry, you'll be healed soon."
I scoffed at her reply and threw the phone away on the bed with a loud thump.It was useless explaining to her that I was GLAD he hdnt bothered me the whole day. I just snatched the bag of crisps from her hand and continued to eat too, feeling grumpy once again.
Ava sighed and said," Okay fine, I will accept too that your jerk of a fiance is out there spying on us. There, happy now?"
I smiled at her while stuffing my mouth with the delicious goodness.

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